I meant to update everyone last weekend but that didn't happen =) ...
*Last Weekend (5/11-5/13) - A friend of ours, named Anders, gave us a voucher to stay at Samsung Hotel on our island! We headed there on Friday and got to sleep in comfy beds, see a beautiful view, eat American food, work out, and go to a Korean Spa. Saturday we spent the night at our friend Cherrel's house. Since our Mom's are gone and Cherrel's daughters were gone we cooked her Mother's Day breakfast and go to spend some time with her. Alisha wrote a more in depth blog post on the past weekend so feel free to read it here: http://fromkansastokorea.blogspot.com/2012/05/vacation-recap.html

Korean Spa! |
Cute Twins! |
Breakfast for 4 eaten by 2 =) nom nom |
*School - We took the kids hiking this week and they did really well! I wasn't so sure how they would do because the beginning of the mountain was pretty steep but they surprised me and no one tumbled down. I also got my kids ice cream this week. I have never seen kids get so excited for ice cream! Justin even drooled =). On a more serious note ... Alisha and I have felt led to get our School Principal and Director a Bible, they are currently Buddhists but we wanted to share about Christ with them. We wrote them a long letter explaining what Christ means to us and what the Bible means to us and we are hoping to find a translator this week so we can give it to them asap. If you feel led to pray for me specifically regarding school I could especially use some motivation and patience from the Lord right now =) I love my kids but teaching 8 classes a day can be tough.
*Saturday (5/19) - Today we went to the Yeosu World Expo. The only way I know how to describe it would be to say it is like Vegas x100 without all the 'sin'. The theme is "The Living Ocean and Coast". There are many countries represented and they each have a pavilion. It was really beautiful and interesting! Pictures can not capture this expo, although I did try =) My favorite Expo's were France, Turkey and Israel! All were very well done and Israel had verses, which I especially liked. We spent an entire day there and I don't think we saw half of it!
Their website has lots of information and pictures - http://eng.expo2012.kr/main.html?mobile_at=Y
Turkey |
All made from .... Legos!!! |
España |
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