
Two weddings later and now what?

So many people have asked me what my plans are now that I am married. Where will I work? What do I actually do in a small town? So, I thought I would write and let everyone know.

The first question: where will I work? The answer ... no where for now. I want my main focus to be on my marriage and on recovery. Marriage is a huge step in life and I want to devote this free time I have to spend with Dave and getting to know each other.  You might be wondering why the recovery time? As many of you know, my soon to be mother in law passed away while I was in Korea. I had 10 teaching days remaining with 12 days of leave left. When I booked my ticket to move home, attend the funeral and support Dave my school reacted in the a horrific way. They showed no sympathy, didn't pay me one dime of the roughly $3,000 they owed me, threatened to try and take my money in the bank and the worst part of all they called immigration on me requesting that I be held at the airport. Thankfully immigration denied their request but it It was awful. God was ever present. He helped me during the meetings with the school and miraculously got me home. 1 day later after arriving home were the services for Carol. God was ever present then too but it was hard. A few weeks after being home I hopped on a plane and spent a few weeks in the Pacific NW meeting my two nephews. I came back home, two days later married Dave, went to Puerto Rico and then moved to Oklahoma. Whoaaaa for lots of changes at once!!!!

 So many changes in so little time but I know it was all filtered through Gods hands. All the changes at once has not been easy for me. It has been a struggle to adjust but I'm slowly getting there. Living in a small town has proved to be a blessing and exactly what I need. I've tried to keep life really simple to allow for healing. I spend time with Dave, video chat with my sister, go on walks, cook, craft and blog. Another big blessing of going through these changes has made me be in the Word and prayer daily and often times all throughout the day. I have cherished my time with God as it really does sustain me through the adjustments and changes.

So what is next? My focus is to continue to live simply, to use the free time to pray and be in the Word, to enjoy my marriage and time with Dave and to finish up moving and getting us settled. I also plan on helping my friend and sister-in-law with their upcoming weddings. One is in August and one is in September and I'm looking forward to both.

So there is my life all summed up for you. I'm thankful to be exactly where God has me and I'm looking forward to what He has planned.


  1. Wow! So glad you were able to make it back! That is awful, but you are right, God IS ever present.
