
Friday's Letters . 7

Dear Weekend, I'm looking forward to going home and seeing family. I know we visit home a lot but it's so nice. Dear Half Marathon, ha ha ha! My longest run consisted of a whopping 5 miles but I'm hoping crossfit will make up for some of that. Although I'm not completely ready I'm still pumped to run through my hometown. Dear Etsy, You are finally open. To see my shop click here. I'd love some feedback so let me know what you think and of course if you want to buy something I'd love that too =).
Dear Kristen, I randomly met you in Kansas City and you took me under you wing during my first half marathon and helped me finish. That was almost 3 years ago. This week you were my first customer on my Etsy shop. THANK YOU! Dear Dave, your birthday is this coming week. You will be the big 29. I'm looking forward to celebrating with you. Dear Americans and Christians, I know so many are in panic mode about the government shutdown but please remember God is on his throne and He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Do your part as an American to help changes occur but don't forget our ultimate security is in Him and not in any government.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy this weather and the pretty blue skies winter will be here before you know it, so soak it up! For more Friday Letters check out the link up on the sweet season.


  1. Congrats on your Etsy shop. That is so cool that Kristen was your first customer. Struggle creates great friends.


  2. I love how you said that our ultimate security is in God, not the government. Right on!

  3. Congrats on your Etsy shop! And your half marathon :) I was actually just thinking about mine next weekend. I think I'll be okay, but I haven't run longer than 8 miles in a month. So... yeah.

  4. Oh, also, I love your new profile picture!

  5. Love your letters! :) I'd love a link to your Esty shop to check it out!
