
December Giveaway

I hope you each had a very Merry Christmas! Today I'm teaming up with Amanda over at Living in Another Language to host a giveaway. There's lots of ad space and a few other goodies as well. It's a great way to beat the 'holiday blues'! It's always so sad when Christmas is completely over. booo! BUT New Years is right around the corner =-). 


You have seven days to get involved in this giveaway, so make sure you get a few entries in! Don't forget to read the terms and conditions below! Remember, you can enter via Twitter DAILY!


Check out a sample of the digital print here. Check out a sample of the burlap bag here.

1. Winner will be notified January 3-4th. 2. Winner will be verified. If the winner cannot be verified, a new one will be selected. 3. The winner has 48 hours to claim their prize after the notifying email has been sent out. If they do not respond to the email within the 48 hours a new winner will be selected.


  1. I got some great presents this year. I can't even pick a favorite! I guess... maybe Pioneer Woman's latest cookbook. Can't wait to cook some great stuff from there!

  2. That is awesome! I love the Pioneer Woman. You'll have to share some of your pictures of the recipes you make.

  3. Best gift this year/ever is my son, Lincoln! Such a wonderful gift from God!

  4. Best Christmas gift I ever recieved was a trip to New York city during the holidays with the love of my life!

  5. That is a super fun gift! Have you been to NYC before? What were your favorite sites?

  6. Aw! I love seeing pictures of Lincoln and am thankful you have him!

  7. I hadn't been to NYC before! But hubby & I did all the typical touristy stuff the first day but the second day we were there we went down to Brooklyn & went to the Brooklyn brewery/explored around that quaint little part of NYC. It helped that like magic it started snowing while we were exploring so it was such a romantic & carefree day! Also had dinner at the House in Union Square for dinner one night and it was incredible! Such a cozy and intimate place for dinner.

  8. When I was 17 I visited a dear friend in Germany, that was a pretty good present as it was but whilst over there her mother gave us a trip to Vienna for Christmas! It was the most amazing time, the two of us (both classical musicians) running around the twinkly city of Vienna :) x

  9. best Christmas gift was a set of drums when i was younger! :)

  10. Alix - that sounds like a fairy tale! What a fun and neat experience. I'm sure you'll never forget it.

  11. That is so fun! Do you still play the drums?

  12. unfortunately no ): i got so busy with school - so i gave them to my sister & she still plays though! (she's cooler than me lol)

  13. Hmmm..... probably a move back to the States! haha We moved the day after Christmas from Japan to the U.S. and although stressful, it was the best thing ever!

  14. Moving home is a good, awesome, exciting gift! Last year I came home for Christmas. I was living in Korea so having a Christmas in the States was fabulous!
