
My attempt at no poo + my hair care product

Last spring I read a few blogs about the 'no-poo' method. If you haven't heard of that before, don't worry, it isn't gross like it sounds. Basically it's a 'natural' way of cleansing your hair using only baking soda and vinegar. You wait as long as you can during washes and eventually your scalp trains itself to quit producing so much oil. I have a friend in Korea that uses this method and it works fantastic for her hair and she has great results. She just wrote about her hair after 1 year of this method. 

I kept going back and forth on whether or not to do this method and finally this past summer I took the plunge and quit using shampoo. It was ok, for a day or two... See, it was summer. Summer was the time that I started back at crossfit. Our gym has no air con and let me tell you, after a workout, my whole head would be sopping wet in sweat and just the ends of my hair were dry. Not washing my hair after a crossfit workout was absolutely disgusting. I also swam with Dave during the summer and I couldn't 'wash' the chlorine thoroughly out so I often treaded water or swam like a dog in a lame attempt to keep my ahead above water. ha ha! During this period my hair was unbearable. I couldn't brush it wet, couldn't brush it dry it and it felt like straw. 

After about two weeks of washing with baking soda and having straw like hair I decided to try a new routine that worked for my lifestyle. I still liked the idea of occasionally cleansing with baking soda because it really cleanses your scalp (squeaky clean) and removes all those oils and the nasty sweat from working out. I also don't like washing my hair every day. I just don't think it's necessary.

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So, here is what I do. It works great for me and maybe it will work for you too.
  • About once a week I'll wash my hair with shampoo and then give it a good baking soda rinse. I mix 1/2 c. water and 1/2 T of baking soda and massage it into the roots of my hair. I rinse it out well and apply conditioner. 
  • When applying conditioner I don't apply any on the roots. It keeps more oils out of there. I only apply conditioner on my roots if it is super super dry outside and my scalp needs the help. It's rare. 
  • Morocan Hair Oil - I love this stuff and I think it's worth the money. I put it in my hair after it's been flat ironed. After a few minutes it just feels moisturized but not oily. I have also used coconut oil but it leaves the oil in until you scrub it out. 
  • Dry Shampoo - I use dry shampoo for in-between days. I have a Pureology brand and a Suave brand. They both work just fine. If I use a dry shampoo I can often go three days (yes I said three) without washing my hair. I can wear it down for two days and I normally braid it the third. 
  • Quality Product - Other than Suave dry shampoo I do use quality products, mainly Pureology. I know not everyone can do this because it is expensive. I'm lucky enough to have a good friend who is a hair dresser so I can get a good discount on product. I will say that products without sulfate make a big difference and you can find plenty of those at Walgreens & Target. 

Overall, I'm happy I tried the no-shampoo method. I know it didn't work long term for me but it opened my eyes to the fact that I can train my hair to only be washed every 2 or 3 days. And let's be real - showering is a pain in my rear so the fact that I can wash my hair less it a huge time saver for me.

That's my hair journey. What's yours? Do you wash your hair daily? Would you ever try a baking soda rinse? Got any good hair tips?


  1. I really want to try the no-poo method and see what works best for me. I am like you and work out several times a week leaving me with very sweaty hair so I think I would have to make some adjustments as well.

  2. I've been no-poo for about a month now, I'm not 100% sold on it yet but am definitely going to continue for a while.

  3. My hair is really curly and really dry, so I've never washed it every day anyway. I use shampoo maybe once a week, but the rest of the time I just detangle in the shower with conditioner. I think the no poo is a good idea, but ultimately everyone knows what's best for their own hair and lifestyles!

  4. Thanks for sharing this!! I've been going back and forth on whether or not I want to try the "no poo" method and it's good to know it's OKAY if it doesn't work for me!:)

  5. I'd recommend trying it - it works so well for some people. I started running last week too so there is just no way I'm doing crossfit + running with no shampoo! ha ha

  6. Good for you for! I'd love to hear if you end up staying with it.

  7. That's interesting that you already use a lot of the 'no-poo' methods with your hair. Do you think your hair grows faster because of less shampoo washes?

  8. You should try it! It might work wonders for your hair and if it doesn't you can always go back. =)

  9. I use an all natural shampoo and conditioner, I like it alright. It's my third brand try since switching to mostly organic (and def all natural) products. I'm debating on sticking with it or trying something else when it's gone. My hair definitely feels healthier since switching to natural stuff though. I also only have to wash every 2-3 days. I've looked into the no-poo, but with working out everyday, I think I'd feel the same-gross.

    Thanks for sharing!
    My Wholesome Home

  10. I've seen all natural shampoos but haven't tried that yet. I think I'm too stuck on my Pureology. =) I wonder if any runners / crossfiters / hard core workout people do the no-poo method? I'll have to research.

  11. Amongst the curly hair cult, shampoo has been a bad word for years. (I went to a curly hair salon called Devachan in New York 8 years ago and it was insane. Cult really is the only word for their curly hair dogma - and I say that as a curly girl! They were horrified by what I used on my hair and heartbroken when I said I sometimes liked to blow dry it straight.) One of the things the experts recommend if you don't want to totally give up shampoo is to switch to a sulfate-free shampoo and just use it less frequently. Aveeno and Burts Bees both make sulfate-free shampoos and I love them!

  12. I had no idea that shampoo and curly hair were such big enemies! I also had no clue that salons existed for curly hair, although I do think that is awesome.

    I agree that sulfate free shampoo is a good route! I have sulfate free and I think it makes a big difference. I do still blow dry my hair but not as much. I know in the 'professional' world that's a big no no but I gotta do what I gotta do some days. =)

  13. haha it was a really upsetting hair appointment. I wanted to get a good cut for my curly hair, since I usually wear it naturally, but with a blow-dry after the cut... and that was CLEARLY not an option! that was the one and only time I've had a diffuser used on me :)

  14. I don't think my fine hair could manage no poo, but I do try to wash just every two days (sometimes three if the weather cooperates). I use Tresemme dry shampoo that has a volume-boosting component on maybe 50% of the days I don't wash, and it really helps!

  15. I'll definitely try to baking soda rinse! That sounds like a good idea. I've never tried the no poo thing, but I have no problems not washing my hair for a few days. I'd be interested in trying the no poo thing for the long haul at some point.

  16. Hm I don't think it grows faster, but it definitely feels thicker.

  17. I like the volume aspect to your dry shampoo! I might check that one out next time. My hair is fine too so I understand not doing the no poo with it.

  18. Maybe if you already can go a few days without washing your hair the transition to the no poo wouldn't be so bad. Maybe you should try the no poo on your missions trip this summer =)

  19. I really enjoyed reading this post, Beka. I have never washed my hair everyday (my mom doesn't so she taught me not to), but my dream is to wash it even less. My hair is just so thick that it takes me forever to get it wet enough to lather, wash, condition and then dry. I would love to be able to wash it once a week, but I'm not sure if that is a realistic goal hah! I've thought about trying the no-poo method, but I didn't really feel like it was worth it because I still have to get my hair wet! I might try switching to sulfate free shampoo - it seems like a good option!

  20. I highly recommend the sulfate free shampoo. Have you tried dry shampoo? That might help you go longer between washes. If you don't to buy any they say you can use corn starch on your hair. I haven't tried it yet but I really should check it out.

  21. I do use dry shampoo! It is so awesome - I definitely don't think I'd be able to go as long as I do without washing if I didn't use it. I like the idea of using cornstarch - I might have to give that a try. I go through dry shampoo so fast that I think it be great when I run out!

  22. These are great tips! I have heard about this method before, but didn't think it would work for me. I like your idea of adapting it to work for your lifestyle. It would also be helpful when I have kids and don't have the time to wash my hair every day! Tips for the future ;)
