
Random Facts Round 3

Hello dear friends! I'm back at ya with some more fun random facts! I think this is such a fan way to give a peek into my life. I'd love to hear more about you too! If you have a fun fact about yourself leave me a comment or you can even write up your own post. 

1. eBay
I recently have a new love for selling things on eBay! Dave and I have a bunch of good quality stuff that we need to get rid of so I thought I'd try out eBay. I started by listing a camera lens I never use and I was shocked when it sold in one day. Well, that was just exciting to me so I then listed my old point & shoot camera and my wedding dress and BAM, both items sold! I have a few more items to list so we will see how that goes. Anyone else out there sell things on-line?

2. Language Confusion
When I lived in Korea we often took taxis and just about every time I went to pay and thank the driver the first thing that came to mind was "Gracias". I have no idea why my brain did that and it was annoying. Well, not that I'm back in America every time I am around anyone Hispanic and I need to say thank you the first thing that comes to mind is "kamsahamnida", meaning thank you, in Korean. I can only imagine what my brain will do when I learn a little bit of Burmese and Thai. ha! 

3. Hearing Loss
When I was 16 I lost 48% of hearing in my left ear and I now have a hearing aid! I wrote all about it here

Because I love random facts I asked my sponsors to share some fun facts about themselves. I thought it would be a fun way to introduce them! 

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What's a fun fact about you?
PS! Samantha, from Elah Tree, and I have a fun IG going on today! Come check it out here!


  1. I have the same problem with language confusion! When I was first starting my Icelandic courses for some reason Spanish was always the first words that came to mind when the teacher asked me a question.

  2. SometimesphotojenikAugust 19, 2014 at 8:07 AM

    Oh my gosh.... I'm pretty fluent in Spanish and use it at work a lot so when I get a family from a different country (Korea, Vietnam- whatever it may be), my mind automatically thinks "oh they don't speak English, they must clearly speak Spanish" so I catch myself doing the exact same thing you did (speaking Spanish even though it's not their language at all!) I tell people this and they look at me like I'm crazy, so now I'm glad to know that it's not just me! And I've been recently selling a bunch of kitchen wedding gifts at an online garage sale for my area... It's the best!

  3. Love ebay :) Love craigslist and the online facebook garage sales too!! Use them quite a bit :)

  4. Randim facts are always fun! I think of thr best ones when I'm not trying to...I'm trying to right now, so I can't come up with a single decent one! :)

  5. i sold a few things on ebay & amazon a few years ago! it is so crazy how quickly things go! :)

  6. I would love to hear more about you selling on ebay! I'm totally intrigued. I've never thought about selling on ebay, but Tyler and I have some items that I think ebay would be great for.

  7. Oh my gosh! I forgot all about your hearing aid. So you still hear the ringing all the time? That's crazy. Also, I have a question about selling your dress on ebay? Do you mind asking how much you sold it for? I'm thinking about what to do about mine... Also, did you wash it first? I thought you did that trash the dress thing, so was it all dirty? I just have mine hanging up, and we're trying to decide what to do with it! Maybe ebay is the way to go. Did the other person pay for shipping?

  8. It's easy peasy! I took some good pictures of what I was selling and then I made sure to be detailed in my description. I researched some other similar items and listed the price according to the other sales. I also made sure I included shipping on top of the price.

    Ebay makes it pretty easy to sell. If something is off when you are wording or pricing pop ups will come up to notify you.

  9. I agree! It's so fun! I just sold another item yesterday and was super duper excited !

  10. I 100% understand! If I sit and try to think of random facts I can't! I guess that is why they are called random. I went to write this post and went blank! I kept asking my husband for some random facts about me and he would tell me one and then I would say "I already shared that one." I finally came up with 3!

  11. I can't use Craigslist because Woodward is too far out to be on the list! ha ha! I like the local FB ones too. There is a 'woodward pets for sale fb page' and that is how I found my cat a home!

  12. I'm so glad I'm not the only one either! It's so weird how the brain does that and I get so annoyed at myself because I love all the different cultures and want to cater to each one. I'm glad I never actually said that out loud to anyone.

    I have bowed to a few Americans before. ba ha ha ha! I'm sure they thought I was crazy but after living in Asia that is a hard habit to break.

  13. That's super interesting that Spanish was the 1st thing that came to mind. How are your Icelandic courses going? Do you think you will be fluent?

  14. PS - This is second nature to me but did you notice whenever we hang out I am always on your left side? I always put myself where my 'right ear' gets the best sound. I do that with everyone.

  15. That's sounds pretty easy. I'm glad that they do pop up notification. I'll have to give it a try.

  16. I am currently not taking an Icelandic course but I work in an office with all Icelandic people which in many ways has helped me with my Icelandic more than classes did. I will have to start back up with classes again soon though. I don't know if being fluent will be possible but I would like to be able to understand what is being said around me!

  17. You can lip read!!! I haven't mastered that talent yet. Do you have hearing loss in both ears? They are really expensive but they last a long time and I think that being able to hear is worth it. I don't wear mine as much as I should but I do know there are times when I'm really thankful I have it.

  18. Love posts like this! We have a local Facebook buy and sell page which is awesome, I've sold so much on there! I think about half of the population of the town is in the group.

  19. I love the local pages too! I just sold some stuff on that page and I'm about to post our bedroom set on there!

  20. Yes, I have it in both ears but one is worse than the other by quite a bit. Yeah, I think once we've got a good savings built (our wedding depleted it) I may see about getting some new ones - it would be nice to be able to hear normally again lol

  21. I seriously don't hear the ringing until I think about it ... like right now I'm hearing it =) I hope it works out where you can save and get new hearing aids. It really is nice to hear.
