
Daily Prayer Topics

A year ago I shared about daily prayer topics. It's a method that has really helped me have some structure and focus for my prayer life. I'm by no means and expert and I always feel like my prayer life can improve but I do feel like this method has really helped my prayer life over the past year. I know others want to grow in their prayer life so I'm sharing these tips today in hopes of encouraging one of you.  

What are daily prayer topics? It's just what they sound like; a topic of prayer for each day of the week.  I still don't know how my brain came up with these but I am positive God put the ideas in my head to help me. Each day has a little rhyme or a quirky way to help me remember the topic for the day. 

Underneath each day I have a list of people who I pray for. Some friends have asked me to pray for specific things so next to their name I'll jot down a word or two to help me remember to pray specifically for what they asked for.  

Another thing I really found helpful was to put these in a note in my iPhone. I always have my phone with me so if I am in a taxi, on a plane or some place quiet I can open that list up and pray right away.

Daily Prayer Topics

Missionary Mondays - A day to pray for our missionary friends around the world. Serving abroad I can't tell you enough how important prayer is. If you pray for your friends on this day why not shoot them an e-mail letting them know. I guarantee they would appreciate it.

Tuesday - Just the Two of Us - A day to pray over our marriage. A day to pray individually for Dave and I, for our walks with God and for Him to grow our marriage. If you aren't married maybe this could be a day for you to pray about you and your relationship with God. It's still 'just the two of us' theme.

Wednesday - Our Weird Woved Ones - I know, it's super cheesy but it helps me remember. and no, I don't think my family is full of weirdos. This is a day to thank God for our wonderful families and to lift them up in prayer.

Thankful Thursdays - So many times we ask ask ask and we really need to stop and thank God for all He has done. This day is set aside just for that.

Friday Friend Day - A day to pray for all of my friends

Salvation Saturdays - A day to thank God for saving us and to ask Him to save those we know that still need salvation.

Savior Sundays - A day to pray and thank God for who He is and to focus on Him and His goodness.

Do you have any more tips on how to be more consistent with prayer?
What do you do to help you pray more consistently?


  1. Beka - love this post! I have never thought about praying this way, but what a great idea! I have been following along on your and Dave's journey- you both are incredible people! I truly wish the best for you and continue to keep you in my prayers. Thanks for sharing your story, it is an inspiration!

  2. Thanks, Amber! I'm glad I could share and I hope it helps you. Thank you so much for praying for us. I'm amazed at the team of prayer warriors we have and we really appreciate it and need that here.

  3. You are very welcome, Renuka. I hope it is a blessing to you.

  4. Yes, it is! :-)

  5. What a great tool! It's a great idea to have a focus each day of the week. This would also work well with journaling.

    Thanks for sharing & adding the link in your comments to my post about prayer. I may consider adding this in as I try to get better focused in my prayer life.


  6. You are welcome! I never thought about this with journaling but you are right! It would be a good way to focus and be structured.

  7. LOVE this. What an inspiration. I struggle with what to focus my prayers on each day- and this list is so helpful. Happy I came across your blog! XO -Anna

  8. Hi Anna!

    I'm glad that these can help you. I really feel like God gave me the idea for this and I'm thankful I have this outlet so I can share it with others!
