


I can't get enough of them. They are delicate and beautiful and have the capability to really brighten someone's day. 

I'm especially thankful for the flowers here in Myanmar and in Thailand. They have often been a reminder of God's love and of His creativity.

If you follow me on Instagram you will see that I have been taking lots of flower pictures. I can't help it.

I was inspired by this post to do a photography project for 30 days. I'm picking flowers as my subject and I will be back in roughly a month to share more flowers with you. 

I'm not doing anything formal but if you want to join in I'd love to have you. You can find me on Instagram here and I'll be using the hashtag #30daysofflowers

And just in case you want to see some more flowers:

This link here has some really interesting deconstruction of flowers.

A scoop of roses: a cone with flowers instead of the ice cream.

The word 'flower' occurs in the Bible twenty five times. I Peter 2 and Luke 12 are good sources for this.

I thought these floral ice cubes were a neat concept.

Seventeen flowers that look like something else.

My Pinterest board all about flowers.

What is your favorite flower?
What do you love most about flowers?
Do you have any neat floral photography ideas for me?


  1. Looking forward to the flowers. Enjoy your flower picture taking.

  2. I love this! Perfect idea for March and getting ready for spring gardens. :) I'm looking forward to seeing more!

  3. I'm with you on the gerbera daisies! They are super pretty and cheerful.

  4. This would be a fun idea for spring gardens. I wondered if flowers would be blooming yet in the US but I imagine they will be soon.

  5. These photos are just stunning. You are lucky to live around such beauties!

  6. Hi Nicki! Thanks for the kind compliment. I do feel really blessed to live in a place, for now, that has a lot of flowers. Before I lived here sometimes I'd buy flowers at Walmart so I could enjoy them and take pictures. =)

  7. I love this idea of picking one thing to photography daily for a month. And flowers are perfect for Spring! LOVE! I just bought myself some flowers yesterday to brighten up our kitchen because I need color in my life. I may have to give this a go in April:)

  8. Beautiful flower photos! I wish my husband and I lived in a city where there was a flower market. I would buy flowers every week :) They definitely add a lot of life and color, and like you said, "brighten up someone's day"!

  9. I'm glad you like the idea!

    How fun that you got flowers? What kind are they?

  10. Thanks, Monica!

    I wish everyone had a flower market near them. I'm not sure what stores are around you but when I lived in OK I'd even go to Walmart sometimes and buy some cheap flowers. They were still really pretty and were fun to add to our apartment.
