
2015 Reader Survey RESULTS

Today you get two things: my reader survey results & Hawaii pictures! Remember that trip Dave and I went on last year for our anniversary and then I never shared much about it? Well I thought I'd take this opportunity to do a combo. All the picture are from a black sand beach in Hawaii. I can't remember the name of the beach but really the important thing is the black sand. It was pretty spectacular. 

If you filled out my survey thank you! I really appreciate feed back and it was eye opening to see the things you all shared. 

Before I share the results if you are considering doing a survey I would highly suggest using Typeform. I'm not getting paid to share that either it is just an honest opinion. Their platform is easy to use and quiet fun. 

I'd also suggest taking your own survey before you publish it. I know that might sound weird but it actually was a bit eye opening for me to take my own survey. Plus, you want to make sure it is running smoothly.

Let's get started! 

Let me just tell you that I tried to figure out who was who in this section. I think I figured out who some people were. Creepy? Probably, but I don't really care.

I have two male readers that filled out this survey also known as my husband, Dave, and my Dad! ha! The rest of the readers are all females.

I was surprised that I didn't have more international readers. However, after thinking about it I don't promote my blog much on other travel or expat blogs so I am guessing that is why.

I did love the fact that 44% of my readers are from the midwest and 29% are from Kansas!

70% percent of my readers have a blog, 22% don't have a blog but 7% of you said you wanted to start a blog, which you should!

How long have you been a reader? 

33%  -  more than a year
26%  -  6-12 months
19%  -  3-6 months
15%  -  Since SS2SI began in 2012
7%  -    0-3 months

I think it is really neat to have readers from the beginning because let's be real, that's family and super close friends, and they are still reading my blog so that is good right?

I also love that I have new readers who filled out this survey.

I also just love that I have readers!

How did you hear about SS2SI? 

48%  -  Through another blog
15%  -  We are BFF's
11%  -  Family
16%  -  Facebook, Instagram, A Giveaway, Other (4% for each one)

I am kind of surprised that 48% of my readers heard about me from another blog.

4% of people listed 'other' for how they heard about my blog but they didn't explain. I'd love to know what that other is.

How do you know when I publish a post?

46%  -  Through Bloglovin'
19%  -  Email
19%  -  Other
12%  -  Facebook
4%    -  Instagram

Again, I'd love to know what the 'other' 19% is?

I'm also glad that 12% of people get posts through Facebook. Sometimes I feel like I just share lots of posts on FB and I'd hate to be that person so I'm glad it is resourceful.

I'm also glad to hear that not many people hear about new posts through Instagram. I like sharing daily life pictures on there but I don't want it to be just blog updates.

What do you think about posting pictures on IG? Do you put daily life or blog pictures?

I'll give you the results and then tell you why I'm stumped.

Favorite Posts to Read

1. Daily Life Abroad
2. Life Lately Posts
3. Travel Posts
4. Ministry Updates
5. Spiritual Life / Devotionals
6. Missions
7. Other

Least Favorite Posts to Read

1. Other - Yay! But again, I'd love to know what those 'other' posts are???
2. Spiritual Life / Devotional Posts
3. Life Lately Posts
4. Missions
5. Travel Posts
6. Daily Life Abroad
7. Ministry Updates

Now I'm going to share my heart on this matter and I am really going to need your input / clarification on this.

Something that really was eye opening for me was how low missions was ranked by my readers. It is the 6th on most favorite and 4th for least favorite.

My question is why? I can't exactly figure out what you all mean by that and I would really love your feedback. Do you not like certain type of mission posts? What is it that makes missions a low ranking topic?

To be honest, it doesn't hurt my feelings but it did alarm me and made my heart hurt because missions has to do with a really really really important thing - the souls of men. I share about missions so that you can see that God, through Christ's work on the cross, is saving people from a fiery hell and then He gives them a relationship with Himself. A relationship with God! What better thing is there to blog about? Sure I absolutlely love to blog about daily life and traveling but I really love sharing how God is working to save people.

I also didn't type all of that to say you don't share those same beliefs. I'm just sharing my heart on it because I want to clarify the importance of it. 

I have two big questions:
1. Why did missions come in ranked so low?
2. Is there a better way I could write and share about missions to make it better for you, the reader?

I'd really love some feedback on this. If you don't want to leave a comment for all to read you are welcome to e-mail me.

Was that a weird question to ask? I don't know! But sometimes I wander if I am personable enough on my blog. Maybe a better word is transparent. I do think it is sometimes really hard to be completely open and transparent on a blog. 

84% of you said I was personable
16% of you said you would like to hear more personable posts.

So to you 16%, thanks for letting me know that and I'll try and work on that. Although now I'm thinking "What should I share to be more personable???"

What would type of 'more personable' posts would you want to see? 

You all also had such nice comments! I really appreciate your kind words. It's nice to know people enjoy reading the content on here.

That pretty  much sums up my blog survey. I tried to keep it short and simple.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with me! I'm really glad I created the survey and I'm really thankful for your feedback.

Have you ever done a blog survey? 
What other type of questions did you include in your post? 


Also, if you missed my last post I'm hosting a 'Ask us Anything'. This is your chance to ask anything you ever wanted to know about me, Dave and I, our life abroad, etc. You can click here or just click on the picture.


  1. I decided I'm not going the plug the blog on Instagram. I do that enough on Twitter, FB, etc., and since my MAIN goal is not to grow my blog (what kind of crazy blogger am I??), Instagram is going to be (for the most part) blog free. Loved reading these answers! We talked about the missions thing a little bit, so you basically already know my thoughts on it :)

  2. I just did a blog survey too, and I agree it was very eye opening!

    I took your survey (you probably figured out which one was me) and I can't speak for everyone else, but when I answered the question "Least favorite topics" I clicked "other" because you didn't leave an "I like all of your topics" option. Hope that helps! :)

    Also, on my survey, I asked how readers preferred that I responded to comments, and most people liked public responses in the comment thread instead of privately through email (basically like disqus). That was really eye opening to me!

  3. I love that your dad and husband replied! That is awesome! As far as the missions votes, that is odd since that is a big part of your story. Honestly, I find with my blog that I get the most responses on non faith posts. Even though I pretty much have a faith blog.. interesting how that works huh?

  4. I thought it was fun that they replied too. Dave left X rated married comments on the survey, which was really funny to me. =) ha!

    It is interesting to me that the Biblical posts get the least comments. I think something I am going to try and do is sprinkle more 'salt' and gospel in with ordinary posts. That way hopefully people can still enjoy the posts but get some good truths at the same time.

    I'm still glad for the feedback I got. It was very insightful.

  5. I read your blog survey result post I just haven't commented yet. I am looking forward to your brother's post. Is it weird that he knows you are a blogger? Does the rest of your family know now?

    That made me feel much better that you said I should have put a 'I like all your topics' option. I never thought about doing that but I might have to add that in next year.

    That is interesting to me that people like open comments. I like it because it allows for further discussion but I also like e-mails because you can talk / write more one on one with a person. I have thought about removing Disqus from my blog because in Myamar it takes FOREVER for the internet to load Disqus (or anything else for that matter) so it would be be more efficient to reply via e-mail.

    Thanks for your feedback!

  6. I didn't think you would feel your IG with blog stuff either. I think it is so fun to see daily life of bloggers. There are some bloggers that I actually started liking just because of their fun IG feed.

    Thanks again for sharing your insight with me on Skype! AND it was so fun to Skype! We should do it again.

  7. I think sometimes it's easier and faster to write a comment about something that's funny or a travel post. With responding to a faith post, you kind of have to be vulnerable and share, which can be hard and also just takes longer.

  8. That's a good point, Amanda! I never thought about that.
