
How You can Help Support School in Myanmar

Hi Family and Friends! 

Today I wanted to reach out and give you an invitation to personally help the school in Myanmar! 

For those who don't know much about the school I will give you a quick insight into how the school works. 

Step Centre

The school is primarily for Myanmar children with under 10 expat children attending the school. 

Most of the kids come from a Buddhist home and they are taught English and Myanmar all within a loving Christian education. The students also have the chance to participate in Taekwondo, computer classes, art classes and a Stem class (science through legos). 

The school began with kindergarten and this upcoming school year will be the first year they will have highschool classes! 

What we are Teaching

This upcoming school year I was given the choice to teach 9th grade English or K4. I chose K4! K4 is a class for 4 year olds. It is their first time being in an all English class. My reasons for picking K4: I really love that age, I want to give them a good foundation in English and I also want to give them a good Biblical foundation and a knowledge of the gospel, all at a young age. 

Dave and I will also each be teaching a Bible class and Dave might teach some science classes as well. 

How You Can Help

Here is where you all come in! We are looking for people to sponsor my class as well as help provide supplies for some science classes. I have a friend coming to Myanmar in April so shipping for the items would be within the US borders as she will be bringing them the rest of the way. Many of the normal school supplies are not available here in Myanmar. If you are interested in helping I have two options: 

1. Bloggers 

If you want to help my class and the school but don't want to send supplies I am offering sponsorships from March to mid April. All money received from this will go directly to purchasing supplies. Here is how it will work: 

$15 Option : 200 x 300 image with 45 days on my side bar
$10 Option : 200 x 200 image with 30 days on my side bar

If you are interested in this option please e-mail me at sunshine2thesquareinch{at}gmail{.}com. All invoices will be done through Paypal.

2. Sending Supplies

I have a list of supplies that we are needing. My good friend is coming to Myanmar in April and she has suitcases available to fill. If you would be interested in sending a few items I could e-mail you a few things we are needing. You would only pay shipping rates to Kansas! 

The supplies consist of simple craft items, some science supplies as well as some books. We are happy to take used books as well and I have a list of books we are looking for. 

3. Prayer! 

We never want to underestimate the value of prayer! If you could pray for the students, pray for the teachers and pray that the gospel would be shared and accepted, we know that would make a world of difference here. 


If you have any further questions about this please feel free ask in the comment section below or through e-mail. 

If you feel comfortable would you please share this post with anyone whom you think might be interested? We would greatly appreciate it! 



  1. Aww 4 is such a fun age! I think it's so great that you guys are involved with this!

  2. 4 is a fun age! My husband doesn't agree because he says they don't know enough English yet. =) He prefers the older kids.

  3. Yes I want to help! I have never done the sponsoring but am HAPPY to help you out that way :)

  4. I will e-mail you! We will come up with something =)

  5. I would love to send some supplies! Let me know what you need! I'll email you too!

  6. I got your e-mail and wrote you back =)
