
Some Little and Random Life Updates

Dave and I had a nice weekend last week. We went to Texas; it’s only a little over an hour from us. Dave was THRILLED because there were 17 historical markers along the way. He said it was like a traveling museum. Honestly, that doesn’t intrigue me a bit but what does intrigue me is to see how excited Dave is about history. After he reads all the signs he gives me a brief summary of them all. He also took a picture of all 17 historical markers, so if you are a history buff I’d be happy to share them with you. We also split a 22oz steak at an amazing steakhouse called Catttle Exchange.

I colored my hair. It’s a big deal ya’ll! I haven’t  put fun color in my hair for about two years. If you look left at my ‘welcome’ blog picture that is somewhat close to my natural color. I honestly can’t decide which look I like better but that’s the great thing about hair … you can just change it. Anyone else love to color their hair? Do you prefer natural colors?

 I’m still watching Isaac and I just had to share these pictures. He’s precious! He is now crawling all over the place. I looked down one second and the next second he was taking the ornaments off the tree. Isn't he just super duper cute? 

Although Dave and I are ready for Christmas – Milo is not! The only thing he cares about is eating treats. I still need to get him some sort of Christmas outfit. =) Dave and I are headed to Topeka this weekend to have Christmas with his family which I'm really looking forward to. 

I got a mid size SUV. A Ford Edge to be exact. I was hesitant to share because I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging. I finally decided it isn’t bad to share good things. The Bible says to be content with what you have. For now, I’ll be content with my car and if in 6 months I have to leave it to do missions then I’ll be content too. Dave and I were looking for a car that was a bit bigger and had room for TRAVELING! Yes, I said traveling not a baby. Just had to clarify that one. =)

Lastly, Dave and I have begun praying more about our next big move. Our apartment lease is up in June and we are praying about whether we should do missions now, do traveling PA, or something we don’t even know about. Would you pray with us? It would be so much appreciated.

How has your life been lately? Hope you all are enjoying the season. I know I say that a lot but I mean it each time! Christmas season is the best. 


  1. Love that top picture of you! And yay for new cars!

  2. Your hair looks great from what I can see!!! Also I LOVE the Ford Edge! I drove them around when I worked at Enterprise…very responsive and safe feeling. :) Congrats on your new car!

  3. Thanks! We can cruise it around when I come visit again .. which should be soon! I say after the holidays.

  4. Thanks, Amanda. I guess it is a bit hard to see my red hair with that head warmer on but it was 16 degrees! I do feel super safe in my Edge. It's fun + it has heated seats which is great for my butt in winter.

  5. Exciting times ahead...I'll be praying!

  6. i am definitely praying for you guys as you pray about your next move! it is so exciting but i know it can be nerve wracking as well!! :)

  7. We have a ford edge and love it!!! I love your hair by the way too! :)


  8. The more I drive the Edge the more I love it. It's such a good car. Thanks for the compliment on my hair =)

  9. Thanks, Robyn! I think the most nerve wracking part is not being able to plan. ha! So silly.

  10. i am the same way!!! i get so anxious when i don't have a plan! (even though God does so i should just chill!) :)
