
Runners Tell All - Reflections and Goals + Our Final Giveaway

Can you believe it is December and that this is our last Runners Tell All? First and foremost I want to say that this linkup has been AWESOME! I have enjoyed reading your stories, hearing about your ups and down, your PR’s, your goals and so much more. I also think I've made some new friends through blogging and for that I'm truly grateful! This linkup was a success because of each of you! Thanks for making it epic.

I also gotta give a shout out to Amanda because she has been a wonderful friend and great to work with. We have had a lot of fun coming up with monthly themes, giveaway items and getting everything ready. 

Today we are reflecting on 2014 and sharing what our running goals for 2015 are.

I’m going to be honest, and I feel like a hypocrite even admitting this, but in 2014 I put in the least miles since becoming a runner. I had high hopes and goals this year but it didn't happen and I'm honestly ok with that. 

I did learn that I run better when I’m with people and am surrounded by my running community. I did not have that this past year and it’s ok. I also learned that doing crossfit and running at the same time is a bit too much for my body to handle. I still love running and I know that I’ll get back at it!

2015 and running. As most of you know I moved to Myanmar (Burma) this past November. Even before I got here I kind of had an intuition that this wasn’t a running country. What do I mean by that? Well, here is a picture of traffic here. 

See what I mean? That's the street I live on and running on those streets just isn’t going to happen. I play frogger as is just walking and I really don’t want to be a smashed frog. On top of that the sidewalks, if there is one, aren’t level or even.

I though about running the side roads but those aren't the safest either. I hope I don't sound like I am complaining because I really am ok with how things are now. I know that fitness isn't about one sport all the time but rather a lifestyle of staying healthy. I am not going to obsess about not working out hardcore all the time either. I think I can be creative with how I will stay healthy this year. 

What can I do? Here is my plan:

Walking  |  I walk daily to the school where we work and back. That’s about 20-30 minutes of walking a day. The culture here in general walks more than the culture in America so I am going to take advantage of that and use it to help stay in shape.

Stairs  |  My apartment is on the 11th floor. I’m pretty positive that taking the stairs needs to happen at least 2 times a week. I haven’t committed to that yet because the one time I did take the stairs I was panting like I had just ran the world’s fastest marathon. 

Exercise at home  |  I have my husband Dave to thank for this because he is really creative. He has a work out routine in our apartment where we can do step ups on chairs, lift furniture, do pushups, etc.

Healthy Living  |  I am making an extra effort in Myanmar to be more conscience of my health. I am drinking more water, eating smaller portions, healthier options, etc. The climate here can be rough on your body and Dave and I have already have been sick several times so we are doing our part to stay healthy. I think this is something we should normally do but I’m extra aware of it because of where we live.

For our final giveaway we will have three winners! We have compression socks and a jade bracelet from Myanmar for each of our winners. I'm excited that we will have three winners!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please be sure to stop by and visit some other bloggers today. I will read your post as internet here allows! Thanks again for being so awesome this year in helping us make Runners Tell All a success! 


  1. Thanks to you and Amanda for hosting this link up every month. It was a great series to follow.

    Praying for you and that you are able to stay active and healthy while in Myanmar. I can imagine that's a huge adjustment to everything but stay safe and have fun! God bless!

  2. I have SO enjoyed this link-up, I hope you'll continue something new possibly in 2015?! :) I've been introduced to a lot more running bloggers and feel like I have so much inspiration going into a new year! That street does look totally crazy but I think your plans/thoughts on it all sound great. Stairs are no joke!! I try to take them at my office a couple times a week and it's only 4 flights but I still feel winded sometimes ;)

  3. I love that you've developed a realistic plan for your running that takes into account where you live. Approching fitness more holistically is something I hope to do in the coming year as well. Thanks so much for cohosting this link-up!

  4. I second this hope for something new/similar in 2015!

  5. Even if you didn't log a million miles this year, you seem to feel good about what you did and to be in a good place with your running, and that's a huge accomplishment in and of itself. Thanks so much for hosting this link-up this year. It's been a lot of fun!

  6. Burma? I am really interested in reading about it. I guess I better read some archives. Thank you for co-hosting the link-up.

  7. I think all your goals to stay active in Myanmar are great!! If I can't run, I always try to do something, and at-home exercise videos/DVDs are so popular and there are great ones out there!! Good luck :)

  8. Beka, thank you, thank you, thank you for hosting the Runners Tell All linkup in 2014! It was so much fun to participate and read everyone's running stories. I know organizing the linkup was a lot of work for you and Amanda, and I really appreciate it!

    I can't imagine running on your new street. Please don't become a smooshed frog in Myanmar, and safety is important, so avoid unsafe side roads. I really like your goals for 2015, they seem really practical. 11 flights of stairs is intense, but I'm sure it would be an awesome workout!

  9. oh girl! stairs are a killer!!!! There is nothing that gets my heartrate up quite like running up stairs :)

  10. Girl I'm impressed with your fitness plan! I can imagine running there would be hard, I feel like a lot of foreign countries running isn't a thing. I hope you guys can adjust to the climate and not get sick so often, that's no fun! Hope you're adjusting well- merry Christmas!

  11. You are welcome! We really enjoyed hosting the linkup! It has been fun to be encouraged with fitness and to meet so many new people.

  12. I'm so glad you enjoyed the linkup but I hate to break the bad news that I don't think this will be continuing in 2015 =-( Internet isn't easily accessible enough for me to be able to create linkups. Even now I'm at an internet cafe because Myanmar over sold internet and we cant get it at home. Isn't that funny?

    Stairs really are not a joke. I told my husband that I might take the elevator to like the 5th or 6th floor and then climb the rest of the way up. Then I can add a floor on over time.

  13. I'll let you read my above comment about internet accessibility here in Myanmar =)

  14. Thanks, Kari! Holistic fitness is something I've learned over the last year or two. I used to be so into fitness all the time but I don't think that is always healthy or realistic. Thanks for your encouraging words.

  15. Thanks for the kind words, Tracy! I am happy where I am at with fitness right now. I do miss working out intensely but I know I will do that again some time. I'm glad you enjoyed the linkup and thanks for participating! It wouldn't of gone well without everyone joining in.

  16. Burma / Myanmar is a really interesting place. I've posted some on-line here but you should research it some. It recently has opened up to tourism and people are starting to visit here more. It really is a beautiful land.

    My husband and I are helping at a Christian school here. They teach them English, Myanmar (which isn't normally taught in schools) and then they share Christ with them as well. My husband is running a medical clinic at the school and we are helping where we can.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the linkup!

  17. Thanks, Holly! I'm glad you do at-home exercise too. There are so many ways to stay fit and I think it's important to utilize the options you have.

  18. You are so welcome! I'm so glad you linked up. I think I will always remember your story of how you started running and how you told your 'to be' husband that you were going to run a half marathon. ha!

    I'm going to do everything I can not to become a smashed frog here. I think with the stairs I'm going to take the elevator to the 6th floor and then climb the remaining 5. Then once I can do that I'll add more flights.

  19. Yes, stairs are ridiculously hard! I think I might take the elevator to the 5th floor and then climb up the rest of the way. Once I can do that at an ok pace I'll add more stairs on.

  20. I guess you are right that running isn't a thing in a lot of countries. I can understand why though since road conditions and sidewalks don't allow for that.

    Merry Christmas to you too!

  21. Thanks for hosting this link-up this year, it's been a blast! Will there be a Runners Tell All 2015?? I think it's great that you're willing to be so versatile with your fitness, despite not currently being able to do the sport you love. You've got a great plan in place for 2015!

  22. It doesn't matter how many miles you put in, Beka! You kept up the attitude and lifestyle and that certainly counts. Plus, you provided such a wonderful platform for runners to meet each other and talk about this great hobby. Thank you for hosting-it was so nice to meet you!

  23. frogger - haha! i agree don't become a smashed frog!! i love the healthy lifestyle goals & staying healthy (no matter how) is the priority!

  24. Always nice to have friends to encorage us

  25. The number of miles doesn't matter! Mad props to you for staying active in a situation that would discourage most!

  26. I'm seriously impressed by your commitment to stay active - and by your husband's apartment workout initiative. :) A fit lifestyle doesn't have to include the most miles run at all.

  27. Yay! I am so excited I won. Thanks girls! I've been reading about your Myanmar adventures. Amazing!

  28. I'm glad you enjoyed the linkup. There won't be a RTA in 2015. It just isn't feasible right now with the limited internet we have here in Myanmar.

  29. They do have an American Club here but it is $600 a year and I'm just now willing to pay that right now. We could use that money for ministry or traveling. Our friends have a treadmill so I might start using that some too. The only thing is the electricity isn't steady here so the treadmill can get faster, slower or just stop if the power goes out. =)

    I'm glad you enjoyed the linkup!

  30. Thanks, Amber! I'm glad you joined in with us some this year and you running for your Dad is something that is inspiring and I think I will always remember.

    Thank for the kind words of encouragement.

  31. The other day we took a scary taxi ride (they are all scary) but I then couldn't decide if it is more scary being the frog or being in a car and watching someone else be the frog. ha!!

  32. Thanks, Emily! I appreciate your kind words.

  33. Thanks, Jaime. Yes, I agree it isn't all about the number of miles but about fitness in general. I've had to learn that through the years but am glad I did.

  34. Thanks, Iva! I'm glad you won too! I hope you enjoy the gifts.
