
Our Myanmar Apartment

Hi, friends! Today I wanted to give you a glimpse into our apartment in Myanmar.

One of our biggest concerns and prayers about moving to Myanmar was housing. Before we left God gave me a peace that He would work everything out for us and He sure did. I really felt like we just sat back and watched Him work wonders for our housing.

I wrote down over 30 answers to prayers and blessings God gave us with this apartment! Our apartment number is A2 so I'm naming our apartment Answer 2 Prayer! The realtor that helped us find the place even talked the lady down $100.

In Myanmar you have to pay for the entire year of rent up front in cash! We paid for the whole year in equivalent to $1 bills. It was quiet the site to see.

I have uploaded a video tour of our place and have put pictures up here too. If you have any more questions about where we live please feel free to ask.


The picture at the top of the page is our apartment building. This picture below is the street to cross to our apartment building. We get to play live frogger each and every day to cross the road.

This is the view from our apartment, looking across the road. The large building is a local market. Behind it is where we can purchase fresh fruits and veggies.

This is the view directly off the elevators viewing to the west.

The entry way to our apartment. There are 4 locks to get inside. Safety first. 

The living room

Dining room

Hutch to store dishes and miscellaneous items.

The kitchen. I'm positive a man designed it. The washing machine and the sink are right next to each other. The kitchen is also the only room, other than bathrooms, that does not have an air conditioner. See why a man must have designed it? ;)

The hallway

Guest room 1! Two mattresses so it will be perfect for couples who come to visit. 

Guest Bedroom #2

Entry way into the master bathroom. The blue tank is to fill with water for when the electricity and water aren't running. That way we can take a bowl bath. Hopefully it won't happen too much. 

The master bedroom

The porch view outside the master bedroom. The view was one of the things that we loved about this apartment. Coming from Oklahoma and Kansas we enjoy wide open spaces and being on the 11th floor still gives us that open view.

The large building with the yellow crane is right behind Pam and Zama's house and the school. The walk is about 15 minutes. We are very thankful to be near the school, our friends and the ministry.

After we took the video tour we went exploring around our complex. Someone let us to the rooftop and we got to finish watching the sunset. It was really pretty.

That is our place, friends! I hope you like the little tour we took you on and our doors are always open and welcome for visitors. If you have any other questions about our place ask away! I'll answer when internet allows. 


  1. The sunset is really beautiful! Is safety an issue in your city?

  2. Thanks for the tour of your place. The sunset is beautiful and the pictures were great to really get a feel.

    That first picture at the top of the blog is at such an angle, that when I scrolled down, it literally looked like the picture was being zoomed in on. So I spent at least half a minute scrolling up and down to watch the illusion and figure out if it was actually zooming or not. <-----Random side note.

  3. Loved the tour! Love seeing God provide! And, y'all are super photogenic too!!! Thanks for sharing your new place!

  4. Loved this Becca! Wow the video brought it to life! People and cars all on the streets CRAZY!

  5. Love it!!! :) So glad you shared the video too!

  6. Thanks for the tour! :) love it! so cozy and great views!

  7. Loved the tour, it was so fun to see everything! It seems so spacious which is great but that kitchen without AC was DEFINITELY designed by a man hahaha. I love on your video when you were like "I don't really know what to call this... Dirty entryway" hahah. The views are spectacular too! Thanks for sharing your place with us! :)

  8. Safety is not a huge issue here but we are still cautious. For example, the cash only society is literal. The banks place all theory Indy on rice bags, place the bags in a pickup truck and drive it to the next location. That money is never stolen. However, they will steal shoes from your porch. Seems odd to me but I'm glad they don't steal big things here.

    The government and political situation was a concern for safety in previous years. Things are much better now however I don't plan on blogging about all of that for safety reasons :)

  9. That's a fun random side note :) I didn't notice that but now that you point it out I do see it. Glad you enjoyed the tour.

  10. We loved seeing God provide too! He did some really awesome things for us with the apartment and living situation here. Sometime I hope to share pictures of the other places we looked at. They were night and day different.

    Are you all recovered and back on routine after your fun trip?

  11. People and cars - it is crazy and you always have to be careful here. Lots of people get hit and bumped by cars.

  12. You are welcome! Glad you enjoyed the tour.

  13. Yeah the no ad is just weird to me but that's everywhere in Myanmar. My bottom cabinets will stay shut for the whole year because without air circulation they are full of mold! I'll be buying a fan soon to blow some ac air in there.

  14. How interesting, I was just wondering how you found it since there was all the locks on your door:) Glad you feel safe tho!

  15. How cool! i like the floors, and it actually looks pretty spacious. We need to get in the habit of storing water for when the water goes out--we haven't, and several times we've been surprised by not having water for the day! :P We only have 3 locks to get into our place, but 4 sounds good and secure to be. Glad you're settling into your new little home!

  16. Thanks for sharing this! You were not kidding, it really looks like you would need to play frogger to cross the street. It looks like a fun and busy town. I love the view from your balcony, and your floors are really pretty. Also, I agree with Joy, the first picture is such an optical illusion, it looked like the building was growing when I scrolled down. I hope all is well! :)

  17. This is amazing Beka! Ben and I just watched the video tour together and are amazed! Praying for you guys!

  18. <3 all of those locks! so many locks! I loved your excitement about the Christmas tree. it was my favorite part. about how it takes extra long to open the locks with a Christmas treeeee. <3 your guys' picture is hanging in my room so I think about you often!

  19. Wow, y'all have so much space! That's so nice. I love how God works and answers prayers! Loved the tour... and that view!

  20. So cool to see! What a pretty view!

  21. Thanks so much for sharing! It's actually a lot nicer than I thought. You've done a good job making it seem like a home :) You have a such a great view, and you're so close to the market! That's awesome. Stay safe crossing the street, friend!

  22. Yeah girl definitely a good idea! At least your oven isn't so big that it turns your kitchen into an oven (perks of a small oven I suppose!)

  23. P.S. I finally got a chance to watch your video, and I love it so much! You're too cute. So... when you buy water you have to lug the jugs all the way up there and through all those locks? Goodness. Love the view! Thanks for sharing!

  24. thanks for sharing! It is cool to see y'all place, you have some very cool views. :)

  25. That's a good question about how we found the apartment. Here in Myanmar there is a realtor that apartment hunts for you just like you would for a house. Their commission is usually 1 month's rent from both the renter and the apartment owner.

  26. It is spacious!

    I'm not glad you have the water problem too but I am so glad someone else understands that dilemma. Even today the water pressure was so low so I filled a bucket with water and added a pot of hot water too it. =)

    How long does it take you to get through 3 locks?

  27. That's so funny about that picture. That was just about as far away from the building as I could get to take that shot. Also, people in nearby buses were cracking up at me. =)

    I love the view from our balcony too. It's much more entertaining to watch frogger from the balcony than to actually be the one down there crossing the roads.

    I haven't been able to read your blog because internet is soooo awful here. BUT I will when I go to Thailand again. How is your pregnancy going? Do you have a bump yet?

  28. Thanks, friend! I'm glad you two enjoyed the video. Thanks for the prayers. They are definitely needed. We enjoy life here and are thankful to be here but there are definitely aspects of 3rd world countries that are hard to live with.

  29. Thanks, Stephanie! I was really excited about that tree. I never in my dreams thought Myanmar would have Christmas trees!

  30. We do have space and I too am so glad God answers prayers. He knows just what we need.

  31. It's a lot nicer than I thought too. I'm hoping to share sometime the pictures of the other places we looked at. They were very 'local' as they like to say here - one room with a smaller room as the kitchen with a bathroom right in the kitchen. Not my ideal choice. =)

  32. That's a good question about that water. We are about out and I'm thinking "What do we do now?" I was told we could walk downstairs and have someone bring new water jugs up to us but I'm not sure who that person is and how I would ask. I'm sure we will eventually figure it out.

    For now we are going to haul those jugs to school and fill them. They have a water purifier there. Then we will take a taxi cab back and haul them back upstairs. That's what I call #MyanmarLiving.

  33. Thanks, Felecia. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing where we live. I love the views too and am very thankful for them.
