
Oedo Island // South Korea

Well friends, it has was exactly 1 year ago today that I boarded a plane in Korea and miraculously arrived in America. It honestly doesn't feel like I left a year ago but at the same time feels like a lifetime ago. I miss it more than I can describe but I'm still so thankful for that year. 

Today I'm linking up with Chelsea and Rachel for the Expat Diaries. I told you I wanted to share more about my time in Korea and today is a perfect opportunity. 

Oedo Island was one of the most beautiful and scenic places I saw while in Korea. The island was a 30 minute boat ride from where we lived. The boats were small and packed (Korean style packed) - we had to sit on the floor because there was literally no seating left. 

The boat drove us out to some scenic cliffs and then drove right in between a big crevice in the rocks. I couldn't believe how close they were to hitting the rocks but that is Korea for you. After they got as close as they could they backed out and went to the island. 

The whole island is a garden. It's a mix of Greece, Korea and Dr. Seuss. You'll understand when you see the pictures. I was amazed at how much detail was given to the gardens. During our visit on the island you could see workers trimming trees, plants and maintaining the gardens. It was simply beautiful. 

The boat ride where they took us in between the cliffs. 

This is what I mean by Dr. Seuss

Here are Alisha and I, also known as 1 + 1. We are sporting beautiful ajuma (granny) pants. Aren't they lovely? Don't worry, about 7-8 of us bought those matching pants and we rocked them in Korea. Does this count as my first 'fashion' post? Why, yes! I think it does. 

These were stairs in the middle of a building. The building was a coffee shop that over looked the ocean. 

A church area. I loved that Christ is in Korea. I never expected to see this at a garden in Asia. 


I always took a 'heart' picture for Dave wherever I went. That's one of the many little things that helped us make it through a year of distance. 

My 1 + 1 bestest friend in Korea. 

The ride back =) Este, if you are reading this - I don't know where the other pictures of you went so you get a sleeping one ;). 

That is Oedo island my friends. Isn't it pretty? Have you visited any pretty gardens? Where are the good ones in the US? 


  1. Beautiful pictures, those totally look like plants that are in a Dr. Seuss book!

  2. What a gorgeous place! I visited Japan when I was very little and one of the few things I remember about the trip is the gardens. That area of the world is so talented!! Thanks for sharing such great pictures.
    My Wholesome Home

  3. I know, right! I was so surprised by them. I stood there and just gawked at them for a bit. I can't even imagine the amount of work that goes into creating those. I'm lucky if I can keep a plant alive =)

  4. Asians are super talented and super diligent. I wish I had some of their skills. =)

  5. What a fun day trip! The Dr.Seuss-esque trees make me laugh - so whimsical!

  6. Hi there, I found your blog through the expat diaries link up. I love that you're passionate about international missions - I am too, though I don't really blog about it (maybe I should). I love those Dr. Seuss plants and the staircase filled with plants! :) Julie | alonewithmytea.blogspot.com

  7. P.S. following on bloglovin

  8. Hi Julie. That is awesome that you love international missions too! You should blog about it. I think more people need to be aware of how God is working world-wide. I'll be sure to check out your blog. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. i'm ashamed to say that we never went before we left. attempted to two times, but weather ruined it each time : (

  10. Darn that weather! It's ok though - you saw so many other awesome sights while there.

  11. So beautiful! I must go there!!! Loved your cute pants. I have a similar pair. Great pictures!!!

  12. what a pretty place, I have a Korean friend... I should ak her abt it? thanks for sharing!

  13. You should ask her about it. Have you visited Korea?
