
Blogger confessions #2 - social media

Today I'm linking up with Kelsea for Total Truth Thursdays. Here is a pre-confession before the confession: I can be super opinionated about things but I can also be super scared to hurt / offend people. On my blog I try to filter my opinion so letting it all out is new for me. 

Total Truth Thursday

Today we are sharing the truth about various aspects of social media. So without further ado... 

Grammar - I'm not claiming to be a pro but I have noticed a new blogging trend where the letter "i" is never capitalized. Some of these bloggers have written posts on the importance of grammar. I guess spelling and grammar are different? 

"From the Archives" - I think reposting old posts is a good thing - it's a way to allow your new readers to get to know you. However, if you slap a bunch of posts up with (from the archives) after it I'm most likely not going to read it. It's not really a way to connect with people and kind of seems like a number game to me. If I'm going to repost something I want to make it meaningful. 

Facebook - oh, this is the social media platform that I desperately need a break from and am taking one while I'm on vacation. From Facebook I have learned that caffeine is making my belly fat, canned tomatoes are killing me and that if I have a different social or Biblical belief than the vast majority I get fire breathed at me. I get that we can share what we want on there but why can't we be creative with our status updates? Why just read an article, click and share?

Instagram --> twitter / facebook - a lot of people share every Instagram picture on twitter and then Facebook. Sometimes I share an Instagram pic on FB because not all my FB friends have Instagram. However, I don't see the need to share every post from Instagram onto every other social media platform. 

So, those are my pet peeves on social media. Overall, they really aren't a big deal. I will say FB can agitate me but that's my own fault for letting it.  

What are your social media confessions? Do you capitalize the letter 'i'? If not, why? I'd love to know! 


  1. I always capitalize the letter I, I feel strange is I don't.

  2. I tried the whole non-capitalization thing one time. I capitalized "I" (because I feel like it always needs to be) and then I felt like I needed to capitalize everything else. Needless to say, that trend didn't work well for me haha

  3. I'm so happy I haven't seen any of the bloggers that don't capitalize I…its meant to be capitalized! Also, social media- drives me crazy mostly when people put instagram pictures on twitter, because then you actually have to click to see it (and nobody has time for that!)

  4. Yes to the Instagram Twitter thing. And the other stuff. You know :)

  5. That's what happens to me! Haha. I feel you.

  6. i feel you on the facebook thing - it just exhausts me! i don't think i've looked at it in a few days and i am more than okay with that!

  7. I always capitalize appropriately, unless a typo slips be (which happens when you're typing fast!) I can see sharing instagram photos on FB because lots of people don't have instagram (myself included). Social media can be a tricky thing...

  8. p.s. - i don't capitalize i - just realized this lol i don't capitalize anything really - mostly because i'm lazy! :)

  9. I just gave a presentation on "Twitter 101" to a whole bunch of people and maaay have used it as a platform to err some of my social media grievances. Archived post plug-ins drive me NUTS unless your posts are truly evergreen (e.g. tutorials). Also, overzealous hashtag use. When I see an interesting article surrounded by three or four pound signs, I just keep scrolling.

  10. I always share every picture from IG to twitter. Not everyone on twitter follows me on IG. It doesn't really bother me at all when people do it. However, I don't do that on FB because I take thousands of pictures.

  11. I have so many devices/computers that automatically capitalize "I" for me, that when it doesn't, I don't even notice because I'm not looking for it....so if I occasionally annoy you with my bad spelling. I apologize :) lol

  12. Me too! I don't really mind too much that others don't I just find it intriguing.

  13. That's funny! I think if I tried it I would do the same thing. Once the 'phase ended' I would probably go and correct all my previous posts...

  14. Amanda! Of all people, I can not imaging you not capitalizing things correctly. I'd probably e-mail you and tell you your blog had an error. ha ha

  15. I hear ya on the Twitter thing. I guess to each their own and I think it works for some people. It's not for me though. I think you might eventually see bloggers who don't capitalize the letter 'i'. It's becoming quiet the trend.

  16. Yes, I know =) I'm so glad we can fully and freely discuss our bog pet peeves over lunches.

  17. ha ha! That cracks me up. I can't say I blame you. You have a full time job + over time. If I had that schedule I'd be lucky to crank out a blog post ever.

  18. I deleted it off my phone when I was in Hawaii and it was so good for me! I am going to try and keep it off my phone. I also think I should just delete a ton of people that annoy me or that I never communicate / connect with but then I feel bad. #FBproblems

  19. Social media is a tricky thing! I think people just have to figure out what works for them and capitalizing works for me. =)

  20. Who did you get to give a presentation to about Twitter? Was this a blog post are a live in person meeting? When you say archived post plug-ins do you mean there is a plug-in that automatically does that for them? Sometimes I use a lot of hashtags because I think it is funny but I mainly do that on my personal / fun accounts not blogging. Some people have a way of humor with hashtags that I love!

  21. That's interesting. I think you just gotta do what works out best for you. I guess sharing IG to Twitter could be a way to share / connect / and gain followers on IG.

  22. It's not the occasional misspelling but the fact that it's purposefully not capitalized at all that I find interesting. Everyone has spelling errors. I have a friend that will text me sometimes if she catches a big spelling / word error and I'm so glad she tells me!

  23. It was for work! It was an optional professional development session for anyone who wanted to learn about using Twitter for personal and professional networking. Lots of fun. Yes, if you use Wordpress, you can install a plug-in (there are a few options I think) that will automatically share old posts with a set frequency. So for example if you see a blogger who usually tweets something that says "from the archives" or "#archives" a few times a day, likely they are using a plug-in to automate the process. I do like to dig up old posts when they're relevant again (like a Christmas recipe from the previous year or something) but sometimes it seems silly when the post is an expired giveaway or something about what winter clothes to buy in the middle of July.

    And yes--hashtags can be really funny and cute when they're used well or to make a point! What bothers me is when you read a tweet where they're just packed in, like "Read my new #blog #post on #hairstyles for #spring! #bbloggers #lbloggers #beauty (link)" Of course that's an exaggeration but in an example like that, they muddle the message- it's like the tweet is written for Twitter's trending algorithm and not for other humans to read.
