
Life Lately #15

I've been running more lately! I ran a 10k at home in Kansas and did a 10k as part of the OKC Marathon Relay. It feels good to run again. I also purchased a pair of Skora shoes. They are a minimalist shoe and I've really enjoyed them. I'm hoping to share more about my transition to minimalist shoes soon. 

April 19th, was the day of one of the 10k races. In the middle of the race I kept getting lots of text messages (annoying!). I refused to check them but just knew it was my husband cheering me on. Little did I know those messages were alerting me that my SIL had gone into labor 4 weeks early. Our little nephew Aidan was born that day. He was healthy and just as cute as can be! Aidan is just precious and I love him dearly. I now have 3 nephews!

My granny turned 81 and we celebrated by going to Chuck E Cheese to play skee ball. She is a pro and managed to get a high of 40,000! I have a cool granny, you guys!

I also managed to talk my husband into getting onto this horse and then I quickly stuck a quarter in there. He was not thrilled. I however was and laughed hysterically. 

Bible Studies
a.) I'm in the middle of a Bible study called "Jesus the One and Only". It's a Beth Moore study and has been sitting in my closet for nearly a year. I figured I better get it out and start studying.
b.) I'm reading a Proverbs a day in the month of May! You should join me!
c.) Some friends and I are memorizing Colossians 3 which you should join in too. If you want some memorizing tips I have some here.

After a year of being married I finally got my wedding band. It has pink sapphires on the sides and diamonds in the middle. I didn't solder my rings together because if we travel / move over seas my big diamond might not be coming with me.

This past weekend Dave and I went back to Wichita and it was WONDERFUL. We go home frequently but this past weekend I got to spend a lot of time with family and with my friends. We had a Brazilian dinner with my family, had steak with Dave's family, I got up at 6:15am on Saturday to take pictures for my photography project, I met with some sweet girls that I used to take to church, and hung out with my friend Alisha and Shenel. I'm thankful for the weekend at home. Oh and it was 100+ degrees this weekend. It was nice and warm!  
Meet Kimchi - we found this polaroid on the ground in Korea and she now travels with us all over. 

What have you been up to lately? How was your weekend?


  1. Love your rings Beka! So pretty!

  2. Your ring is gorgeous! Running for me always gets much easier when it starts warming up. And you really do have one cool granny!

  3. The Chuck E Cheese outing for your grandma's birthday is awesome! And your rings are beautiful! Mine aren't soldered together either, last time I went out of the country I didn't bring my engagement ring, and sometimes I just like wearing the band by itself, so I like it that way!

  4. chuck e cheese is my fave!!! :) i'm definitely going there when i'm a grandma! :) love your rings & i still love your hair wavy!!!

  5. Ooh, I would love to read more about your transition to minimalist shoes! I have a pair and I ran very short distances in them last summer, but I'm curious about making the switch in conjunction with doing longer runs. Congrats on your new nephew!

  6. Thanks, Kaleene! I agree about the warmer weather being great for running. It's nice to run with in the spring and sunshine. I couldn't agree with you more about my granny. She is just awesome in so many ways and I'm glad I have her in my life.

  7. My granny has been going there since I was a little kid! She'd take me all the time and she, of course, being old and cool would get a bunch of free tokens. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who doesn't solder their rings together. I've never thought about wearing just one of my rings but that kind of sounds fun.

  8. I'm glad you love chuck e cheese too! It's a fun place! I'm glad you like my rings and my wavy hair =) Wavy / crazy hair was my go-to in Korea. My kids called me 'Teacher Beka Lion Hair' =)

  9. I'm excited you want to know more about them! I'll for sure write a post. I'll also link some other people and their stories. What type of minimalist shoe do you have? It's weird because I can hardly stand 'normal tennis shoes'. I have worn minimalist shoes so long that the other tennis shoes feel big and heavy.

    Thanks for the compliment on my nephew =) !!!

  10. I love that you're reading a Proverb each day in May! I think I will have to catch up and start doing that! I also think I'm going to work on memorizing Colossians 3! :) Congrats on your sweet little new nephew and celebrating your granny's 81st birthday! Love that y'all went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate!

  11. You are right that I do have a lot of blessings right now. I'm super quick to forget that. You should run a 10k!!! It would be awesome. Have you heard of the Runners Tell All linkup? I host it on the 21st of every month. It's been super inspirational and has helped me keep running this year. Also - do you have a 10k race in mind? I know when I sign up for a race I'm more likely to train.

  12. That would be AWESOME if you joined in for Proverbs & Colossians 3. You could even start Proverbs 5 today and then finish on June 1st.

  13. Yay for new nephews, I had one born the next day -the 20th!
    I just finished reading through Proverbs today, I always read the verses about the nagging wife over and over again, I don't want my husband to think living on the roof is better than living with me, those verses are always a great reminder to not nag (and give a funny visual).

  14. I need to read those verses more! I try hard not to nag but sometimes I'll nag and then I say "oh my word! I just nagged you". =)

    Yay for a new nephew on the 20th! That's sooo exciting.

  15. I love that your grandma plays skee ball, that's awesome! Congrats on completing two 10k's. I think a new nephew is a better prize than a medal. They should start handing nephews out at finish lines. Ha!

  16. That would be super helpful! I generally run in light or medium weight tennis shoes but yeah, the big and chunky ones are weird. I have the Merrell Dark Shadow (here: http://www.amazon.com/Merrell-Barefoot-Pace-Glove-Shadow/dp/B0050SN2LG/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top/187-5231363-0127666) which I like but my feet are actually pretty narrow, so I lace them like crazy and look like I have duck feet, haha.

  17. Nephews are better than any medal I've ever gotten!!! I love that my grandma plays skee ball too. She gets so many free tokens because she is 'old'. =)

  18. I've seen people running in those shoes and wondered how they fit! Merrell is a good brand (from what I know). Normally 'barefoot' shoes are made a bit wider in the toe area so you can have a 'natural' / wider toe area. I personally like it fit and snug best. For my new Skora's I sized down 1/2 of a size. I was a bit nervous but they fit well.

    The next love your body link-up is this Monday right? I don't think I'll have the post ready by then but I will have it soon.

  19. Thanks, Elizabeth! I love being an aunt. Question - Do you go by Elizabeth or Beth?

  20. both! you can pick what you would rather! XOXO

    Oak + Oats
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