
Our Weird Marriage

A little over a year ago Dave and I had our second wedding. It was on the beach and was perfect. You can read about it here, here and here. To celebrate our second wedding I'm sharing some weird / funny things about our marriage.

What really triggered this post happened the other day. I was sitting on the couch and my husband was packing and whistling. He wasn't just whistling to any tune. He was whistling to the Johnny Appleseed Song. Have you ever heard of it? I hadn't either until I got married. Dave started singing it one day and I thought he had lost his mind until he taught it to me and now we both sing it. So let's just get to this list...

some weird / funny things we do in our marriage

singing - I know I mentioned Dave whistled the Johnny Appleseed Song but the real truth is sometimes we sing that song out loud, together. If that isn't grand enough sometimes we sing songs before we go to sleep and sometimes they are songs 'in the round'. You know, the kind you grew up singing in church. Think 'King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory..." Oh my goodness I can't believe I just wrote that out. It's true though. We sing ... in the round. I hope our neighbors don't hear but if they do #weareawesome

food - for starters, I can often out eat Dave with little no shame. #ilovefood! If that isn't bad enough there have been numerous occasions where we go out to eat and the waiter / waitress comes out and this happens: 
waiter: "Sir, here is your steak and baked potato". 
me: "Oh, um ... that's actually mine". 
waiter: weird look followed by "Sorry about that. Here is your steak ma'am and here is your chicken with steamed veggies sir". 
I then eat about 90% of that steak and Dave eats about 10%. 

cookies - Dave has to have milk with his cookies. Me? I have to have water to go along with the 213412 cookies I eat. I don't do milk unless it is in a latte or cereal. I think it's gross. Oh and Dave HAS to have his cookies warm. 

gps - You don't want to be in a car with me when I have to re-route / route a new trip. Me and the gps officially hate each other. I've said a lot of mean things to to that gps and it isn't pretty. 

traffic - Dave feels the same way about traffic as I do the gps, especially construction traffic. 

documentaries - Most newlyweds watch cool movies or actually go to the movies. Well, Dave and I have never been on an official date to the movies together and we watch documentaries at home. We are watching a documentary on Yellowstone as I type this... ha ha! I really do enjoy documentaries. You can learn all about different countries, cultures, foods, wildlife, etc.

animal voices - Dave and I are pro's for giving animals voices. There really should be an award for this because, hands down, we would win! We 'speak' all the time for our cat and dog. We speak for the cows, birds, animals we drive by and we even make up voices for animals we see on the internet. One time I at crossfit someone brought a dog and I started speaking for it in my awesome animal voice ... and that got awkward real fast. Apparently not everyone in the world speaks for animals, but they should. ;)

There you have it - our little list of fun / weird things we do. I honestly think the 'weird' things are what makes marriages fun. I think each relationship has unique things that bring laughter and joy, and that, in and of itself, is a blessing.

What weird / funny things do you do? 


  1. These things are what make relationships so special! Love that you guys sing together.

  2. We love documentaries, too! In fact, we watched two of them on our honeymoon! hahah

  3. haha--I definitely could not out-eat my husband...actually, I guess what's weird is that we typically share 1 meal together at a restaurant...

  4. So funny!! Lol. We love documentaries! Let me know if the one you are watching is good!

  5. we are documentary people too! :) we found a 4 DVD pack of National Park documentaries & almost bought it the other day! kinda wishing we had now :)
    being married to your best friend who you can be silly with is awesome! :)

  6. Aw, you two are so unique! Love these little quirks/facts about your marriage :)

  7. Thanks, Kaleene! I love the singing too, a lot!

  8. That's funny! I think we would have watched a documentary then but we were in Puerto Rico.

  9. The sharing a meal thing is a really good idea! I wish I did it more. However, there have been a few times where my husband really encouraged me to share a meal {aka portion control} and I was so mad. It was so ridiculous of me. It would cut our eating out bill in 1/2 so I really need to try that soon.

  10. It was super good. It was on Netflix but neither Dave nor I can remember the name of it. =(

  11. Do you have Netflix? They have tons and tons of documentaries. Also, I bet your library would have documentaries. We rent movies from there frequently.

  12. I love this post! We have so many similarities, except I LOVE milk! I would never turn down a cookie just because milk wasn't included though. Also, I can out do my husband in the food department any day---nope, I'm not ashamed. Plus, we sort of had 2 weddings too!

  13. I am the same way about milk!!! I don't like it except in coffee and cereal, and my husband can drink an entire gallon in a matter of two days. It's so strange to me! I can't out eat my husband but I DEFINITELY love food way more than he does, ha!

  14. Girl, I love milk. Jordan doesn't drink it, but I buy the gallon anyway. ALL FOR ME. Yum. Jordan for sure eats more than me (I almost wrote "eats me out" but that sounds gross). Although when I was marathon training, I was like GIVE ME ALL THE FOOD. I know you know what I'm talking about.

  15. I'm going to go ahead and say the animal voices thing is odd. But totally awesome that you both do it! haha. It's those little things that make a relationship special.

  16. I'm glad to hear that the nutritionist blogger can out eat her husband. #awesome! How did you have two weddings? I'm always curious when I hear other people chose that route too.

  17. Yay for someone else not loving milk. I really wish I did but I've tried and just can't do it. I love food too and if it weren't for my husband I'd be 10#'s heavier. guaranteed.

  18. ha ha! That's just funny. I have thought about secretly filming him but then I'd be in big trouble when I hit 'publish'. It is odd but also super funny. AND I would create that voice over our lunches but 1. that would be extra awkward and 2. it just has to be spoken naturally / without trying hard to do it. Ok, I admit we are just weird.

  19. Marathon training = mass amounts of steak and bacon and anything else I can get my hands on, except milk, of course. 'Eats me out' ha ha - sure does sound weird. I have tried to like milk! I remember as a kid pouring a cup and telling myself I was going to like it but I never did. It's so good for you too. I will say that Braum's vitamin D milk makes the best lattes. That's about it when it comes to milk for me.

  20. I never liked it, even when I was a kid! I can ALMOST drink a tiny glass of milk if it has bits of cookie left in it, otherwise, it ain't happening. I for sure would be heavier, too! Although I tend to not cook real food when my husband isn't home for dinner, strangely enough.

  21. So, it was SORT OF two weddings. We got married in a courthouse first, with just our immediate family. Then, three weeks later we had an outdoor/backyard wedding party (like full out wedding decorations) with 150 people but no second ceremony. It's always confusing to explain. Ha!

  22. Awe loved this. Thank you for sharing!

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