
The Blessings From Blogging

I've recently had some people ask me about blogging: 
"What exactly is blogging?"
"What do you write about?"
"Why would someone share so much on-line?"

I think the best and most entertaining question came from my sister because she was so sincere and curious asking me about the purpose of blogging. I can definitely see why people ask those questions. I mean we spend hours taking pictures, writing, and editing. All that to hit 'publish' for anyone on the www to read the stories of our lives. 

I think the oddest thing is when I talk to Dave and I have to clarify if this is a 'real life friend' or a 'blog friend'. ba ha ha! Sometimes I want to tell my real life friends this awesome story about my blog friend but then they would just think that's weird. Sometimes I tell them anyways and just leave out the blog part. ;)

I'll tell you what though - this blogging community has been a huge blessing to me for so many reasons. First off, it allows me to write and share about my life and about what God is teaching me. It allows for family to stay updated (hi family! Hi Mom!). I also know that I have faithful readers from churches I have attended and knowing they take the time to keep up with my life is an encouragement to me. 

Something I never thought this little blog would give me were new friends. For real! The first blog I ever read was by Melody and I now call her friend. Dave and I are heading up to the East coast hopefully within the next few months and I've already told him one of my top things to do is to get together with Melody {and Lincoln!}. 

Another blogger turned friend is Amanda (see picture above^). We have met up in OKC a few times and we just sit and talk for hours. It's fun and I feel like I've known Amanda forever. We can also talk blog life forever because we both understand that lingo. We also share the same faith and that is super important to me in friendships. Don't worry, both of our husbands were cautious to ensure when we met we weren't creepy men who wrote blogs. It all turned out great. 

So I guess I'm here to say that as odd as blogging can be to the outside world it's a huge blessing to me. I've connected with women who have challenged me to look into the Word more, to shine brighter for Christ, to laugh more and so many other things. 

I also asked one of my sponsors Samantha about this and I loved reading her thoughts about it. 

Now it's your turn to share - what do you most love about blogging? How has it been a blessing in your life?

Linking up with Chantel for Jack of All Trades


  1. I would definitely say that blogging has been a blessing for the short time I've been doing it! I love staying in touch with people, getting a chance to write, and to read the stories that others share from their lives!

  2. Woo! Glad we could become friends in real life!

  3. Oh, I totally get this! I definitely tell stories about blogger friends and leave out the fact that they are blogger friends cause no one around here would understand that!

  4. I'm here from the link up...Your blog design is so cheery! I love all the pops of yellow. :)

    Blogging is so much fun, isn't it? Aside from the record I have of life stuff, my favorite part is making so many friends through these spaces we share with each other!

  5. How long have you been blogging? I agree with all of what you said above!

  6. me too! PS - We need to start figuring out when we can get together again.

  7. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does that. :)

  8. Thanks so much, Victoria! You are so kind. I love yellow too! It's bright and cheery! I love the friend part too and am super duper thankful for it.

  9. This was such a wonderful post!! I always love the slightly awkwardness of telling a story or a tip that you got from another blogger:) hehe

  10. That's awesome. I love that you love sharing what God is doing and teaching you too!

    I'm still hoping to find and be an authentic member of the blogging community.... :)

  11. Stopping by from the Jack of All Trades link-up... what a lovely post! I was cracking up when reading about your discussions about blogger friends vs. real life friends. I always hesitate before I explain that the story I'll telling is from a blogging friend, it can cause so much confusion for non-bloggers!

  12. I love this and that you've gotten to meet some of your blogging friends in real life! I think people who don't have blogs may never entirely understand what a blessing being able to express yourself and be accepted is- but I feel you, girl :)

  13. Blogging in a weird way helped me find my voice. And because you start to read other blogs with similar "voices" you're like... more people like me!! It's a comforting thing - and very cool to meet people from around the world who share similar interests and can give you those words of motivation or encouragement, or just, "YES! I know what you mean!"

  14. I love blogger meetups!!! I have this one this weekend - too fun!

  15. Thanks, Rachel! I'm glad you embrace the awkwardness.

  16. Lorraine! YOU ARE an authentic member of the blogging community! Don't doubt that. God's given you space and ability to write. Of course we all have learning to do but that just comes with blogging in general.

  17. Hi, Caitlin! Thanks for stopping by. I hear ya on the confusion part =)

  18. You are probably right that they won't completely understand and I think that's ok. I'm glad I got to meet some of my blogger friends and hope I can meet some more.

  19. I like that blogging helped you find your voice and like-minded people. I have never thought of it that way but I think you are right in what you say. I also think blogging helps me focus on what I am passionate about because I get to write about it.

  20. How fun! I hope your meet up is fabulous.

  21. I just checked out your blog and I think you are doing great! How long have you been blogging? I started in February of 2012 and it takes a while to figure it all out. Like most things in life, it takes time and work. I think community builds over time and you seem to be right on track!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  22. Thanks for your encouragement, I probably needed to hear that more that I realize - this blogging world is so big! Thanks again for sharing this!

  23. I started in February 2013 and lasted all of a week, but started up again in February of this year and have been doing it pretty consistently. I'm enjoying it, so that helps :)

  24. That's great! I'm glad you are enjoying it.

  25. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I stopped by from Jack of all Trades. I have to say my first blog I started to do book reviews so that I could remember what I read but then I started a second blog because I wanted to get my thoughts out and it is a good way for me to try and stay focused on learning to become a more positive person.

  26. I like your reasons for blogging! I can definitely see it helping you stay positive and I think that's a really good thing. Thanks for stopping by.

  27. Oh I totally agree! I have to clarify blog friend or real friend with my husband and it always makes me laugh. I was just talking to someone about this and it's true that sometimes your real life friends just don't get it but it's all worth it because of this amazing community we have!

  28. I hear ya, girl! My husband has actually figured out who my blog friends are vs. real life friends, which I gotta give him props for that one! I love the community here and am glad you enjoy it too.
