
Meet Me Behind the Dinosaur

"It's right behind the dinosaur." 

That might sound like an odd phrase to you but if I say that to someone in Woodward I bet you a dollar they will know what I am talking about. When I moved to Woodward I thought it was the oddest thing that there was a large dinosaur right off on one of the main roads. I'm talking actual dinosaur size you guys. What is right behind the dinosaur? Well, Good to Go Books & Coffee Shop is and that is where I work.

Why the dinosaur? Well, the owner of the dinosaur created a life-like dinosaur with an exhibit area to show that dinosaurs and humans roamed the earth together. There are also 2 big stone tablets with verses written on them. It's a way to share about creation as well as a Biblical perspectives about the earth. 

One day my friend Kinzie and I went to try out this coffee shop and it was great! Woodward had it's first official coffee shop. Well, long story short but the girl who helped organized the start up of the coffee shop hired me on. Wahoo! I make coffee now! #HappyDance #DreamComeTrue

Here is how this awesome place works. There are two families in our church that had the vision and startup for all of this. Good to Go isn't just a coffee shop but they have a lot of Christian audio books and devotionals that people can either check out or have all for free! It's a really neat ministry. If someone is traveling through and they want a book we even provide an envelope with shipping on it so they can send back the materials when they are done. 

The coffee is great and fun to make but my favorite part of working at Good to Go is getting to know people. I've gotten to meet people who attend my church that I have never met at church. I have gotten to talk with so many people and learn more about them. I've even eavesdropped in on a conversation where a guy who was asking his girlfriend's parents if he could marry her - aka awesome! ;) It is also really nice when someone comes in and asks if we have a devotional related to a particular topic and I am able to give them Biblical resources to help. 

 We also have a big bin of dinosaurs for kids to play with! Kids love them!

More than anything I'm just amazed at God's goodness. I've always thought working at a coffee shop would be a really great way to interact with people and a fun opportunity to make coffee and I'm humbled and grateful that God gave me this opportunity right here in Woodward. The Lord knew I needed to be here and I'm so thankful He is faithful and always provides exactly what I need.  

What has been your favorite job?
Has anyone else been a barista? If so, how was your experience? 


  1. haha! how awesome that there is a life size dinosaur in your town! and right where you work!!! :)

    that sounds like an awesome coffee shop & i wish i lived closer so i could come visit! :) what a great ministry & how awesome that you are meeting lots of people! so sweet that you overheard that guy asking to marry their daughter! :)

  2. Such a cool ministry! I've never heard about a coffee shop doing that before but I think it's the coolest thing ever! And so fun that you got to eavesdrop on that boy asking the parents if he could marry their daughter! You've got me wanting to work at a coffee shop haha

  3. I always thought being a barista would be so cool :) Plus I love the smell of coffee :)

  4. What a great job - ministering to people and making coffee!!! I'm pretty stinking jealous! :-)

  5. That's so cool that you're in a job that you love, and one with such awesome opportunities for ministry!

  6. I wish you could come visit the coffee shop too! It's really great.

  7. I have never heard about a coffee shop like this either until this one opened. However, I really love the ministry it provides!

  8. Girl - I'm out of town this weekend =( We are going to Arkansas. Where in OK will you be?

  9. It is fun being a barista. Do you like coffee or just the smell? I have friends who LOVE the smell of coffee but can't stand to drink it.

  10. It is a great job! I'm really thankful for it.

  11. I think it's pretty cool too! It's a really unique place and I'm glad I get to be a part of it while I'm here.

  12. I've never been a barista before. I don't know if I could hack it ;)
    That dinosaur is fun!

  13. Well, since you don't like coffee it might not be as fun for you! The dinosaur is fun though. People will stop from all over to take a picture with it. It's entertaining.

  14. Your job in AmeriCorps sounds really interesting! Where did you serve at with AmeriCorps? I know of a couple people who worked in that program and really enjoyed it.

  15. That's just amazing!! I love dinosaurs and the coffee is like a dream for me. I have always wanted to make my own bookshop/coffee store. I think a trip up there is in order, soon. Cause dinosaurs are my thing. And books. Just so much coolness in one place!
