
Missionary Mondays // Keeping an Element of Surprise in Marriage + prayer Cards

Welcome to week 4 of my August series called Missionary Mondays! Missionary Mondays are weekly updates on how God is guiding Dave and I to Myanmar (Burma) & Thailand. We hope these posts will help answer any questions but if you have any other questions please ask! We love questions. 

This week I'm sharing about a photo shoot Dave and I took for our prayer cards. 

For previous updates please read the following:

Week 1- A recap on meeting the Holmes who serve in Thailand + an overview of the ministry there.
Week 2 - What are you willing to eat for the sake of the gospel?
Week 3 - Why Myanmar (Burma)
Week 4 - Prayer Requests & Our Upcoming Travel Plans
Overdue Update - This gives a general overview of our upcoming move and plans.
Pam & Zama in Myanmar - The people we are going to serve with in Myanmar have been so kind as to write a blog post all about the work they are doing over there. I hope you will check it out.


I like to keep an element of surprise in my marriage; the kind of surprise that keeps our marriage alive and thriving. By surprise, what I really mean is that I told my husband that I had a photo shoot for our prayer cards. #GoMe! Dave did not like this surprise as much as I enjoyed it but none the less he was a good trooper and we got some pictures taken. 

Flash Branding Images, a local photographer in the Woodward area, did a fantastic job of taking some photos of us. I'm glad we got pictures taken in our small town because it's a good reminder of where we lived our first year of marriage. I also love them because we took them on the local walking trails that are about 1/4 of a mile from our house and Dave and I have ran and walked those trails many many times. 

Here are some of the pictures we took.

I told Dave that the above picture captioned us perfectly: me cracking up at something ridiculous and him giving me 'the nod'. 

Other than loving photo shoots (my favorite being trash the dress) and pictures I really did get these pictures done for prayer cards. There is power in prayer and I am asking people to pray for us during our year abroad. I'm asking you all to pray for us! We want to see God do big things and know that it isn't possible without prayer!

Here are the prayer cards that I'm getting printed and if you want a prayer card please just fill out the form below or shoot me an e-mail with your address and I'll send you one. I also want you all to know that I'd love to pray for you! I'm not too busy to take some time aside in prayer for you and I'd love to lift you up before The Lord. If you have something you want prayer for, whatever it is, I'd love to pray for you. You can e-mail me prayer requests and I'll be sure to pray! 

Also, these cards were made by SizeLove Design! Abby is the designer behind Size Love Designs and I think she did a great job. 

Who else out there likes photo shoots? 
What other good tricks do you have for getting your husband to go on photo shoots?


  1. So exciting! The prayer cards make it feel pretty real, right? I'm not sure husband are ever big on photo shoots, but by this time Angel knows there's a mandatory anniversary photoshoot every year (usually us and one of my siblings with a camera) and he doesn't fuss about that one at all.

  2. Aw, your pictures look so great! You two are an adorable couple. I love the idea of prayer cards... especially with such pretty pictures on them :) The only photo shoot I've ever had was on our wedding day... but maybe I can sneak one in somewhere in the future. The problem? My husband is a photographer and prefers to be behind the camera! :)

  3. Love the pics, friend! So pretty. Excited to get my prayer card!

  4. It's one of the weirdest feelings to have a prayer card for myself. That's fun that you get to do a photoshoot every year. I think it's important to have pictures along the years of life.

  5. Thanks, Meredith. You should definitely sneak a photo shoot in there sometime! It's fun to be behind the camera but it's nice to have some pictures of yourself to help document along the way.

  6. Thanks!!! I'm excited to send you one.

  7. Photo shoots are so much fun! You guys took some lovely photos :)

  8. I think they are fun too! Thanks for the sweet compliment.

  9. I've never heard of a prayer card but I really like this idea. I don't think enough people ask for prayers because they're worried people will get the wrong idea (wanting sympathy, it's not something to worry about, etc) - y'alls pictures turned out great and what a great way to keep the surprise in a marriage! My husband would have been feeling about the same as yours. His idea of a surprise is more along the line of a back massage and a steak dinner!

  10. Yeah I don't think any husbands idea of surprise is a photo shoot. ba hah a!

    I've grown up surrounded by praying, prayer meetings, etc. but it wasn't until I lived in South Korea that I really took it seriously. Our church would gather to pray and it wasn't a traditional prayer. People just really prayed what was on their heart and we saw God do some really great things. All that to say that I won't make it next year unless people pray! So that is why I am asking so many people to pray for us. It has made me set my pride aside because it's humbling to know that people are taking time to pray for us.
