
Missionary Mondays // Moving + Trips + Plane Tickets

Happy Monday Friends! Welcome to week 8 of a series called Missionary Mondays! Missionary Mondays are weekly updates on how God is guiding Dave and I to Myanmar (Burma) & Thailand. We hope these posts will help answer any questions but if you have any other questions please ask! We love questions. 

I'm not going to list every Missionary Monday post out anymore because the list is getting quiet long but if you want to see any of them, on the side bar there is a 'search box', if you type in 'Missionary Monday' they should all pull up for you.

It's Monday night, 8:45pm to be exact, and I'm finally sitting down and relaxing! This past week has been full! Full of friends, full of packing full of changes, moving, etc.

The picture above is Dave and I's last picture in Woodward. Last week we spent a lot of time with friends having going away parties and spending time with people we love and appreciate in our small town.

I've been packing for literally months and I still wasn't done the day of the move. I really don't know where all those darn knick knacks come from. Seriously! Someone enlighten me. Anyways, my sister and our good friend Ryan drove down to Woodward to help us finish up the details and then drive back to Wichita. It was an all day ordeal and when we finished and dropped of the Uhaul it was 9pm. It didn't hit me until the next day that we won't be going back. It's a weird feeling.

The past two days we have spent time re-organizing, going to church, seeing friends and trying to get paper work and errands done. Wednesday Dave and I head out for a big road trip. I mentioned before that Dave is trying to finish seeing all 50 states before he turns 30. He has New England and North Dakota left so we are off to see those states. Except I'm not going to North Dakota, no thanks =).

Oh and we bought air plane tickets for Asia! We leave for Thailand on Monday, November 3rd. Here is our little 30 hour trip: Kansas --> Chicago --> Seoul, South Korea --> Bangkok. I'm super excited to fly into South Korea, even if it is only for 2 hours. I'm also super excited to bow! You guys have no idea. The bowing habit does not die easy. Even last week in Woodward I almost bowed to someone and then stopped myself. That has nothing to do with our itinerary but still ... =) We will spend a few days in Bangkok with our missionary friends and then will head to home sweet home in Burma on probably Saturday (I'm going to buy those tickets after I write this post. #priorities).

I'll still be blogging while we travel but it might not be as much. I do want to keep people updated and I'm probably going to be updating Facebook and Instagram. However, one of my goals while traveling is to take a step back from social media and just be still for a while. So, if I don't respond right away you will know why. 


  1. How exciting! I think it's awesome that you guys are starting off your move with a roadtrip!

  2. I think it will be fun. It has added more work to it but I think it will be nice to have some one on one time before we dive head first into full time ministry.

  3. have so much fun on your roadtrip! :)

  4. I hope you do keep up updated on your travels! Have fun! And what have I been telling you about the dakotas??? Don't hate on ND :)

  5. I'm so excited for you guys! What a fun time. I understand the taking a break from blogging while traveling, but does that apply to your time in Burma too, or just the road trip? I'm being selfish, but I hope its just the road trip---I love reading your blog! :)

  6. Thanks a bunch! We are excited about it.

  7. I know. I really shouldn't be hating on them. Honestly, I told Dave I wouldn't mind going but since we will be gone for a year I'd rather see family than North Dakota. I'll be flying in a PLANE over the PLAINS. ha ha! ;) (Did I get that one right?)

  8. First off, thanks for the kind compliment. I know I should just blog for myself but it is nice to know people enjoy reading what I write. I will be updating my blog in Burma as electricity and internet allows, which are both sketch at times. I want to keep people updated though because 1. I love the community with blogging. 2. This blog is on my prayer cards so instead of mailing and e-mailing newsletters I'm going to put it on the blog.

    I've also tossed around the idea of making videos once a month of Burma so people can get a good visual of what life and what the people are like there.

  9. Yeah for moving forward and finishing to do lists! Good luck with your travels, hope everything goes smoothly.

  10. Thanks, friend! I hope it goes smoothly too and is a good trip before our big move!

  11. November 3rd!! Ahh!! So excited for you both!!

  12. I know! It's going to be here soon. I'm excited.
