
Missionary Mondays on a Thankful Thursday

Hello Dear Family and Friends! I can hardly believe in 11 days Dave and I will be on a flight to Asia. It’s surreal.

There is no way possible that we would have made it to where we are if it weren’t for the love of Christ and the love that so many of you have poured out for us. From praying for us, to helping us move, for commenting on my blog letting me know you support us, for the cards, words of encouragement and much much more. There is no way we can count the abundance of blessings God has poured out on us but we are humbled and grateful.

Today I have two things for you! The first is a giveaway. I’ve teamed up with some really great women who have supported and encouraged me on my journey. We are giving away a Chemex coffee maker with filters, half of a pound of fresh roasted coffee from The Spice Merchant (a local joint in my hometown) and two hand painted cards from Burma. I’m super excited for whoever wins this prize!

If you haven’t heard of a Chemex coffee maker you can go to their website to learn more about why this coffee maker is so great. Basically their brewing method takes out the bitter coffee tastes and makes a great cup of java. Plus, I always feel like I’m creating some amazing scientific lab experiment when I make coffee with my Chemex.

The second thing I have for you is some snail mail! I love receiving snail mail and I love sending it. If you e-mail me your name and address I will send you a card from either Thailand or Burma. Due to postal regulations it might take me a few weeks to send you some snail mail but I give you my word if you ask for some snail mail I’ll do my best to send you some!

Thanks again friends for all your love and support! Here are the lovely ladies that are teaming up with me today. I hope you will take a few minutes to check out their blogs and see what they are all about.

            Rachel                                 Sarah                                 Amanda                                Beka
        Topaz N Pearls               Sometimes Photojenik         The Lady Okie                           SS2SI

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway Rules:
1. The giveaway will run from Wednesday, October 22nd - Tuesday, October 28th. 
2. This winner of the giveway must have a US address. It is not open internationally.
3. All entries will be verified. 
4. The winner will have 24 hours to respond. If no response is received a new winner will be picked. 

For some of my other favorite coffee recipes click on the pictures below:


  1. today i'm thankful for the grace of God, the way he lavishes me wish love even though i don't come close to deserving it at all.

  2. I am thankful to go to Bible study this morning!

  3. I'm thankful for my son whose 24th birthday is today!

  4. Yes yes! I LOVE snail mail :) I'm thankful for NO plans tonight! Thank you Jesus for a night at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 11 days!! that is so soon! i love snail mail so i'm definitely emailing you! :)

  6. p.s. i'm thankful that coffee exists! it's been a heckofa day!

  7. Today i'm thankful for my husband... who is an incredible father now, too :)

  8. I'm thankful that we just got heat and air put in our house!

  9. That's a really great thing to be thankful for! Thanks for that reminder. We are working on our massive to-do list before Burma so that is a good reminder for me. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Yay for Bible study. That is a really big blessing that you get to go. What are you studying right now in your group?

  11. That is awesome! Happy birthday to your son.

  12. I know!!! It feels super duper surreal.

  13. No plans and evenings at home are a huge blessing! I hope you enjoy your night. I'm glad you like snail mail. Just send me your address (I didn't save it) and I'll get you some mail.

  14. Yeah, girl! E-mail me and I'll send you some.

  15. I'm glad you are thankful for him and I'm glad he is a good husband and father. Team work makes all the difference with a new born. Not that I know for myself but I have sisters who have babies =)

  16. That is a nice thing to have especially during the extreme seasons. Glad you got that.

  17. I'm thankful for my fun winter knitting project. It's nice to have a productive and lovely way to stay occupied in the evenings!

  18. Yay for knitting. I love knitting. What are you making? This is random but did you know you can take knitting needles on an airplane? I was surprised but happy to take mine. I'm glad you have a fun thing to do in the evenings.

  19. Only 11 more days?! Ahh are you super nervous and anctious or calm and just ready to get going?! I so wan't this chemex coffee maker! You're the first one who ever told me about these, and I honestly have yet to try coffee from one. Silly me I need to get on that! Thanks so much for having me be apart of such a wonderful giveaway as you are in the final days before yours and Daves journey!

  20. I got a kit from We Are Knitters to review (I am so pumped!) that's called "Soho's Snood." It's basically what I would call a cowl, though, and it's really soft and gray. It's been awhile since I knit instead of crocheted so it has been fun to re-learn. I'm really glad to hear you can take knitting needles on the plane--I wasn't sure so I didn't travel with this project, but now I know I can take one home for Christmas!

  21. I'm a mix of every emotion! It's weird. I've been praying God will help us to be ready. I know some coffee shops have a Chemex as a brewing option so you might check around. It would be fun if you won!

    Thanks for being a part of it.

  22. I'm thankful for chubby toddler hands and baby snuggles today. What a great giveaway! Prayers for you guys on your new adventure

  23. Those are great things to be thankful for! I love seeing your picture updates of staying in The Word and your cute kidos! You are an encouragement. Thank you so very much for the prayers.

  24. Beka LOVES her chemex!

  25. I'm thankful for a comfy bed to sleep in/nap in/lay in all day, after a week in the jungle! :) Your giveaways are always the best!

  26. I'm glad you have a bed too after a week in the jungle! When do you head home?

  27. I am thankful for my family and friends.
    Rafflecopter: Carolsue

  28. Thankful for my apartment. Even though I do want a house, my apartment is pretty great :) P.S. If I win, I will gift this to someone who would love it!

  29. Family and friends are always something to be grateful for! Glad you appreciate your family.

  30. How is the house hunting??? If you win I will think that is grand and will be thrilled for the person that gets it =)
