
Runners Tell All - Running on Pensacola Beach

Hello and welcome to October's RTA!  Can you believe we only have two months left of our linkup? Runners Tell All is a monthly linkup hosted by Sunshine to the Square Inch and The Lady Okie that occurs on the 21st of every month. Our goal is to build a community where we can encourage and inspire each other on our running journeys. October's prompt is your favorite running memory! I'm excited to read your stories. 

Sponsorship Update:
We are still offering two co-host options each month. This allows for us to connect with you, advertise your blog and it also helps fund the monthly giveaways. Each co-host spot comes with entries into the giveaway as well as a month of advertising on each of our blogs. Because I am moving to Asia Amanda will now be taking care of all sponsorships. If you are interested in sponsoring Runners Tell All please e-mail Amanda at theladyokie{at}gmail{dot}com.  We currently have two spots available for November! 

What comes to mind when you think of your most memorable race? A marathon? Your first 5K? A PR? You think a most memorable run would be the one where a big accomplishment was achieved but for me it was quiet the opposite. 

It's interesting to me because lately I have had a few people ask me where my favorite place to travel to has been. I honestly don't know how to pick one favorite place but the first place that comes to my mind is Pensacola. I lived there for two years, have had family vacations there and I had my wedding there. It's also where I had my most memorable run. There's something about those white sandy beaches and hearing the crashing waves that I absolutely love. 

Something I always wanted to do there was run up the bay bridge that links Pensacola beach to the main land. The bridge has a high incline but the views of the beach are stunning. So, in August of 2011, two months after my full marathon when running was a piece of cake, I took off for a run towards the bay bridge. I thought it would be a short 2-3 mile run but it ended up being around 6 miles and it was just the perfect run.  The breeze in the air, the warm humid weather that made me sweat extra, the pretty scenery, the sunshine and just being outside near the beach made this my most memorable run. 

It was simple and perfect. What about you? What's your most memorable run? 

Pensacola Beach, Fort Pickens
Pensacola Beach, Florida
 Pensacola Beach, Florida
Pensacola Beach, Florida
Pensacola, Florida I heart pensacola

Today we are giving away an UnderArmour Storm hat as well as a Nike scarf, both great for running. I can for sure tell you the hat is a-maaazing because I own one in gray and just hauled it all over New England. It's warm, stays on your head and is water resistant. The scarf! Let's be real now, scarfs are awesome all the way around and I think a scarf is great after a long run or post race once you start to get cold. 

What was your most memorable run? 
Do you have a most memorable training run? Race run? 

Hey! We only have two months left for Runners Tell All! We have really enjoyed this linkup and are looking forward to the last two months. Here are the last two topics: 

November: Your biggest running fan or running hero! 
December: Running reflections from 2014 and your running and race goals for 2015. What do you hope to accomplish? 


  1. I love when everything comes together (great weather, training, scenery, etc.) and I have a perfect run. Seriously, those are the days that make running worthwhile to me. Oh, and running ANYWHERE near a beach is pretty fantastic!

  2. That truly sounds like the perfect run! So scenic and relaxing. Good thing you finally decided to tackle that bridge :) My most memorable run for the link up was actually a brutal training run from back in 2007 when I was training for my first race. To this day, it still sticks out as one of the toughest training runs I've ever done!

  3. Your memorable run sounds wonderful (except for the humidity part)! I love runs that treat you to a beautiful view at some point along the way. I went with my marathon PR, but almost wrote about my point-to-point long runs that I used to do with friends.

    As always, thanks for the linkup.

  4. That sounds like a great run. The pictures are beautiful!

  5. This One Italian GirlOctober 21, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    What a beautiful place to run. Looks totally serine with the water right there. I wish there were places like that near me!

  6. This looks beautiful! Love finding those places that are really fun and memorable to run in!

  7. I love when scenery, weather, and a feeling of invigoration all come together in one run, as it sounds like they did for you here.

  8. I can definitely see why this was a memorable run for you! Looks like perfection!

  9. That's a good way to sum it up that everything came together perfectly. It really was a lot of fun. Yes! Yes to running on beaches.

  10. I'm glad I decided to tackle the bridge too. I haven't read through all the linkup posts yet but I'm excited to read yours and hear more about your run. Isn't it kind of odd that our most memorable runs weren't races?

  11. I loved your marathon race report! It was fun to read and I loved that you still remember so many details. I don't love humidity but for some reason it didn't bother me this time. It's almost like the humidity made me sweat more and it made me feel like I earned a good run.

  12. Thanks, Emily! It was a really fun run.

  13. The water was really pretty. I think we all wished we lived by beaches to run on. I've tried to find a good place wherever I live to really enjoy the runs wherever I'm at. Some places are harder than others though.

  14. You are so right. It all came together and I had a really great run.

  15. I totally bent the topic to be able to link up. I hope that's ok. Also, Pensacola looks like a beautiful place to run!

  16. What a fun run in such a special place for you!! Very neat :)

  17. I love running on the beach! I have run on Pensacola before ;) We went to Hilton head a few weeks ago and I ran every morning.. barefoot! It was glorious!

  18. I loved running by the beach when we went to Florida! It was really nice to dip my toes in the water after a run, and just enjoy the quiet in the early morning before the day got started. So peaceful!

  19. Most memorable run? Gotta be the half marathon a few years ago! Trained so hard for that.

  20. I'm sure it will be ok! I haven't read everyone's post yet {#packing} but I'll read yours soon! Pensacola is BEAUTIFUL! The sand is white and is just beautiful. I'm glad you linked up and thanks for stopping by.

  21. That is fun that you went to Pensacola. When did you go there? Question: Where is Hilton head??? I saw your headstand picture there =) I'm glad you got to run on the beach. Were your feet sore after running barefoot?

  22. I agree. I'm glad you got to run by the beach and experience that. It really is peaceful and just a whole new feel to running.

  23. You did train so hard for that! I remember because I kept up with your updates on FB from Korea. =) Now you are biking a lot which is awesome. You'll have to teach me some techniques some day because I am seriously a turtle. I actually like running over biking because I'm such a slow biker. =0
