
Niagara Falls

Sometimes in life you visit a place that no amount of words or pictures can fully describe the grandiose of. Niagara Falls is one of those places. I'm excited to share about it but if I could tell you one thing it would be that if you get the chance to go there - go!

I honestly didn’t know what to expect at Niagara Falls. I knew it was pretty but I also lived in Brazil and went to the Iguacu Waterfalls, which are larger than Niagara. I went to Niagara with little to no expectations and I was blown away! I loved everything about Niagara Falls. It was beautiful and spectacular. Dave and I both agree this was one of our favorite spots on our New England trip. 

The park itself is really well maintained. They have plenty of parking, many walking trails and plenty of lookout spots. There is no fee to enter the park but some excursions do cost. If you are visiting this are I’d give yourself 3-5 hours to see everything.

The park has a lookout area where you can view the falls. It's a nice place to get some great pictures and just enjoy the pretty scenery. 

Right across from the river is Canada so if you take your passport you can walk across a bridge from America to Canada and see the falls from the Canadian side. Plus, you can visit Canada! Dave and I didn’t get to do this because our passports were at the Myanmar embassy for our visas.

You should also know the Canadian side has an amazing Ferris Wheel! The gondolas are heated so you could even go in winter. I really love Ferris Wheels and wished I could have gone to this one. 

There are plenty of lookout spots to see the falls on the American side but I will tell you the American side is the top of the falls meaning, you can’t see an entire view of the waterfalls. However, there are ways to see the falls and the best one is Maid of the Mist. You purchase a ticket ($17) and a large boat takes you super close to the waterfalls! The ‘mist’ really should be called a down pouring rain effect because there is water everywhere! Thankfully they give you rain coats and they work just fine to keep you from getting soaked. This boat ride was by far my favorite part of the falls! It was so much fun and I don’t know why but I couldn’t quit laughing! People were so excited. They'd run from one side of the boat to the other and would "oooooooh!" and "aaaaaaah!" really loud. There was mist everywhere with the load roar of the falls. It was great!

The American boats are blue and the Canadian boats are red. I thought that was kind of fun. 

I didn't take many pictures in the falls because I wanted to just enjoy it and also hello, water everywhere! I did manage to snap just a couple of pictures and one of them was of the Canadian flag. I took this for my two good friends Brenda and Jennifer, who are both Canadian. 

The ticket for the boat will also allow you to climb up a stairwell right next to the falls. The views there are really fun too.

And here are some more pictures of the falls because I just love them. <3

For those of you who know Dave you should know this is one sign that he actually obeyed. =)

This is looking up the river. 

Down the river

Who else has been to Niagara Falls? If anyone is thinking about going I'd be happy to answer questions.

Question: Do you all like seeing a lot of pictures? I couldn't help myself with this post but I just want a general idea?


  1. So pretty! I'm a huge lover of waterfalls, and Niagara has been top of my list of things to see in the US for many years. Although I've heard the Canadian side is the best side?! But I probably heard that from Canadians… ;) My absolute favorite picture you took is the one fifth from the top…so dreamy! LOVE.

  2. Looks so beautiful. I have always wanted to visit Niagara Falls, your pictures are stunning!

  3. Angel also generally doesn't obey signs. I actually just this weekend saw a mini-version of Niagara Falls at a Chinese park, and I think it would be pretty amazing to see the real thing! Waterfalls in general are awesome.

  4. Wow! Absolutely GORGEOUS photos! Apparently we need to add this to our travel list!!!!

  5. Awesome pictures! I'm so glad you got to go. I have been to the falls... the Canadian side too! I went with my grandparents on a trip when I was younger... back in the day when you didn't need a passport to go over to Canada :) I don't think you put too many pictures in this post. I liked seeing them!

  6. The photos are absolutely breath taking!

  7. Wow! This pictures are so beautiful!

  8. You should definitely visit when you get back. It really was stunning. The Canadian side is the best side because you can get a full view of the falls. However, the boat ride takes you right to the good views.

  9. Thanks a bunch! I hope you get to visit when you move back! Are there pretty waterfalls where you live? I just imagine there being a bunch since it is so pretty there but I have never really checked to see.

  10. Ha! Oh Angel. What do you do when he does crazy things and goes past signs? I let Dave do it but sometimes I stand from far off and say "Dave! You are married now! Be careful!" ah ha! That's super fun you got to visit some waterfalls at a Chinese park. I agree that waterfalls are just fun in general.

  11. Thanks, friend! You should add this to your travel list! How much longer until you visit S.A.?

  12. That's fun that you got to visit. Did you think the Canadian side had better views? Thanks for the feedback on the amount of pictures. =) I'm glad to know it wasn't too many pics. I probably won't post this many every time but sometimes you just gotta.

  13. Thanks so much, Svenja. Glad you stopped by.

  14. Thanks so much, Chelsea. Glad I could share them.

  15. i do tend to remind him that he has a greater responsibility to live since he has a wife!

  16. ha ha! Glad we aren't alone in our ventures.

  17. Yes! I think Iceland must have hundreds of waterfalls anytime we go out of the city I always fall in love with a new one :)

  18. I did go there when I was younger (like 12ish maybe?) and I remember it being spectacular and just kind of thinking that it was unreal. I do remember going to the Canadian side thinking everything was really expensive because of the conversion haha so you didn't miss that! We didn't do Maid of the Mist when we went though and I must say that I want to go back and definitely splurge on the ticket! You got some awesome pictures and I didn't know that about the red/blue/american/canadian thing- so interesting! In general I like a lot of pictures because it helps break up the text more which I like. Sometimes if the pictures aren't very relevant or porr quality I don't like it as much (you've never done this, it's just generally speaking!)

  19. That's fun that you got to go there. Even if you were young that isn't something you forget. I didn't think about the conversion thing. However, I think everything on the east cost is just flat out expensive. Canadian or American side.

    Thanks for the feedback on the pictures. It's nice to know what works and doesn't. I think pictures help break up text too.

  20. Yesss, love the pictures! The Niagara Falls look amazing. Bummer y'all didn't have your passports, but looks like you had a great trip, regardless!

  21. OMGoodness... such beautiful photos! -- It looks like the was the perfect day and so much fun!

  22. Thanks for the feedback on the pictures. I agree about the passports but it really is ok. We had a great time there.

  23. Thanks, Olya! I hope you get to visit. Where do you live now?

  24. Thanks, Elise! I'm glad you stopped by. We really did have the perfect day there. The weather was great and we had a lot of fun.

  25. My name Jenifer- a bloger: The most sexy girls. Oh my friend. Is is really wonderful, a waterfall I wish come here.
