
Missionary Mondays - Today is the day!

Today is the big day! We are heading off to Asia!

We are excited, nervous and sad to leave family and friends but ready for a 14 hour nap on the flights! More importantly though, we are ready to share the gospel with those we come into contact with!

The picture below is our route. We leave today at 8am and the total travel time is around 25 hours, with 20 hours being in the air.

We will arrive in Bangkok at 10:10pm on Tuesday (10:10am American time). The next morning we are going to a prison there to share the gospel as God opens doors. Would you please be in prayer for those who will hear the gospel?

We will stay in Thailand until Saturday and then we fly over to Burma. Wahoo! 

I have had a lot of people ask me how to stay in touch and I'm so glad you all want to stay in touch! First off, I have to be honest and tell you I don't know what direction this blog will take. I have some posts written to share and I will update as internet and time allow. Rest assured though, I so want to keep writing and sharing. 

Ways to Stay in Contact

Blog Updates: If you look at the left on my blog page there is a spot called 'stay updated'. You can put your e-mail address in there and when I post an update it will e-mail the post directly to you. 

e-mail: I'd love to hear from you sunshine2thesquareinch{at}gmail.com or beka.l.johnson{at}gmail.com

Facebook - I'll be updating there! Both on my personal page and a lot on my blog Facebook page too. If you don't 'like' my FB page already please do so to get updates. 

Instagram! I will be keeping that up and running! 

Lastly, I'll have to be honest and tell you that saying bye to everyone was much harder this time than before but Jesus is worth it! To say bye to family and friends to share the gospel with others is worth it. These verses have been a blessing to me so I want to share them with you all today!

Mark 10:28-31
Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee. And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.


  1. I know God will be ever faithful to you as you take this step of faith and seek to be faithful to HIm and His calling on your life. Looking forward to following along on your journey. Take care!

  2. Praise the Lord that you are obedient -- and willing to make sacrifices for the gospel! The challenges you will and have faced will not be faced alone. Looking forward to joining in your journey.

  3. You guys will be in my prayers. I'm so blessed by and thankful for your friendship and your boldness to speak out in the name of Jesus. You've been a blessing to me and are such a light for him. Come back safe!

  4. Being obedient to the Lord is hard sometimes!! But we've always found so much sweetness comes from it! Praying that you see fruit from it soon!!

  5. Thanks, so much Joy! The Lord is so faithful and I'm thankful He is with us each step of the way.

  6. Thanks, Andrea! We are looking forward to seeing what God will do with our lives over there.

  7. Thanks, friend! I'm still so thankful God allowed blogging to turn us into friends. I'm thankful for the encouragement you have been to me!

  8. You are very right. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words

  9. Eeek!! How exciting that you're starting on the grand, God-filled adventure! I can't wait to see how He uses you!

  10. Safe travels! A beginning of a wonderful adventure for you two!

  11. <3 so excited for you guys!! Can't wait to see your journey unfold!

  12. So exciting!!! hope you have a GREAT flight

  13. Sounds like it's going to be an exciting and fruitful trip. Enjoy the max of it!

  14. Cannot wait to see how God uses you! Enjoy your time & live with reckless abandon for him!

  15. How exciting! May you both be blessed in the journey!

  16. I've been praying for you guys all day!! I can't believe its 20 hours flying time! All I can picture is you with your head on your large pillow with your bottle of NyQuil next to you hahaha. I can't imagine how hard saying goodbye was... Praying for you guys!

  17. Welcome to Asia! We are working as missionaries in Singapore. Let me know if you ever come our way, we'd love to meet up! <3

  18. Praying for both of you, and that God wraps His arms around your heart while you deal with all the emotions of saying goodbye.

  19. Yay, so excited for you two! Praying that everything went well on your flights over, and that you are able to get some rest before visiting the prison! Looking forward to updates when you are able!

  20. Thanks, Susannah! We are super excited too!

  21. Thanks, Kaelene! The traveling part went really well. Probably the easiest overseas trip I've taken yet.

  22. Thanks, Chantel! I appreciate your support and kind words.

  23. Thanks, friend! Our flights did go really well! It was probably the easiest overseas flights I've ever had.

  24. Thanks so much! We have only been here 14 hours but are enjoying it so far.

  25. Thanks, Allison. We are excited to see what God will do as well.

  26. Thanks, Rachel! We are kind of neighbors now =)

  27. Thanks so much for the prayers. God for sure heard them because our flights went super well. I didn't sleep my normal 12 hours on flights. I'm not sure why but I slept enough to feel ok. I did NyQuil myself so that was good!

  28. Hi Chantelle! Thanks for the welcome. How long have you been in Singapore?

  29. Thanks, Chelsea. We appreciate the prayers. Saying goodbye was hard but at the same time I have peace and I'm thankful for that.

  30. Thanks! We did get some rest before visiting the prison. It was a blessing to visit them. We got to share our testimonies and visit with a lot of the women there.

  31. We've been here two years and a bit! My husband is working with a Bible School here as a teacher, and we both work with the local congregation and travel around Malaysia as teachers. :)
