
Bagan Golden Palace

Today I’m sharing more about some of the sights we saw in Bagan. We were only there two days and our itinerary had a lot packed in. I recapped our first day where we watched them butcher chickens ran a medical clinic for the students at a boarding school. If you want to read about that you can check that out here.The second day we spent a little bit of time with the students and then went sight seeing.

The city of Bagan is divided into two parts: the New Bagan and Old Bagan. The New Bagan definitely did not look new to me (more about that in my next Bagan post) but compared to Old Bagan I can see why the call it new. The Old Bagn is where palaces from the 11th century are. The palaces are scattered all over and it was fun to drive and just take all the sights in.

Bagan Golden Palace was our first stop when visiting old Bagan. When I read about this palace I learned that it was not actually the original palace or even on the same sight where the original one stood.

The palace was mandated by the government to be rebuilt and it opened in 2008. It was built across from where the original one stood and supposedly the rebuild doesn’t resemble the original palace at all. Lonely Planet even said they think the palace looks like a "Disneyfication" version. The main purpose in the rebuild was to make Bagan a better tourist destination, which I think it definitely does. I really don't mind that it wasn't a replica of the original place because it was just so darn pretty and a great place to walk around and practice my photography. Plus, after you visit here you can walk to literally hundreds of other original still intact palaces.

Here is my nice friend Ehmu and her Mom. They are the ones that invited us to go to Bagan. I'm so thankful that Ehmu and others have been so kind and hospitable during our time here. I can't even express how much it means that a local person would take us on a trip and show us around their country.

Even though Bagan Golden Palace isn’t the original I still think it is worth a stop. Foreigners are required to pay a 5,000 Kyat or $5 entrance fee and walking around the grounds takes around 10 – 20 minutes. It was a really beautiful place and I loved seeing the architect and just how grandiose the whole building was. I definitely recommend adding this on your list if you visit Bagan. 

What are your thoughts on visiting sights that aren't original but rather a tourist attraction? 


  1. It is cool to see, it is pretty! Even if it may be less historical because it isn't original but rather a tourist attraction it is still cool to see. You took some pretty beautiful pictures. It is neat that you had locals who wanted to show you guys around. :) It something I would still go to see if I got the chance.

  2. Wow! So cool to see! It's amazing to look at all the details and I'm sure was that much better/prettier in person! So glad you were able to have a good weekend visiting!! xoxo

  3. These pictures are SO COOL! I can't imagine seeing that in person. Awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I love looking at your pictures! It's so fun to see another part of the world that I've barely even heard of right from my living room. I think places that aren't original but rather tourist attractions are usually worth the stop. It would be better if they were the original but the fake can do haha. I'm always kind of put off by foreigners having to pay so much more than locals but it is what it is I guess :p

  5. Thanks, Felecia. I'm glad I can share some of Myanmar with people through blogging. I'm really glad we had friends help us around because I don't know if I would have known at all what to do! What places have you been to overseas?

  6. Thanks, friend! It was fun to visit and I am amazed at the creativity and detailing people put into their buildings. It's neat to see a different culture that way.

  7. I'm glad I can share and I'm glad you enjoyed them.

  8. I'm so glad you enjoy the pictures. I like sharing about Myanmar because it is just now opening up to the rest of the world and I want people to know about the people and life here!

    Foreigners do pay more for everything here: taxis, local markets, and tourist attractions. It annoys me too but then I realize that it really is only like $5 and back home it would be around $20.

  9. I have been to the Philippines and Cuba. :)

  10. beautiful palace. i think it's fair that they don't pretend it's the original palace
