
Never Have I Ever ... until Myanmar

When you move to a different country you always expect for things to be different, for there to be culture shock moments, new things, adventures and frustrations. However, knowing that all those things are coming your way and experiencing them are completely different. Some days I laugh about it, some days I cry and sometimes I just shake my head. It's been an opportunity for me to grow in my faith and for that I'm thankful. So today I'm sharing with you my little "never have I ever ... until Myanmar" list.

Never Have I Ever … until Myanmar 

Never have I ever … been pooped on by a bird until I moved to Myanmar! I  wasn't just pooped on once, or twice but three times with the third time being on Christmas day when I was wearing a new dress. I’m hoping the third time was a charm and that it won’t happen again. 

Never have I ever … had my USD turned down. Many money changers in Myanmar won’t accept our US dollars unless they are brand spanking new. Seriously, this one girl wouldn’t take my nice twenty dollar bills because they were … "folded". I mean they were in my billfold so they were a little folded. I am thankful though because the money changer beneath our apartment so far has taken everything we have given him and he is very kind. I’m super thankful for him!

Never have I ever … seen a more crazy bus system than the one here. It seems to work for the people though so I am glad they have that transportation option. Here is how it works: you know when a bus changes its route and is in need of a new bus sign? Well apparently it is cheaper to hire someone to stand on the step of the bus yelling very loudly the destination rather than paying to get the sign changed. By yelling I mean YELLING REALLY LOUDLY! OVER AND OVER! AND OVER! YELLING! 

Never have I ever … lived so near a fruit market where I can get so many fun and tropical fruits! I love it!

Never have I ever ... realized what looking someone in the eye and giving them a big smile can do. I'm the foreigner here and get gawked at quiet frequently. I'm so thankful that even if I can't communicate their language a smile always communicates. It's been fun to interact with the people here that way.

Never have I ever … been in a grocery store where all the lights go out and everyone but me continues shopping as if it is completely normal.

Never have I ever … had a 2nd grader tell me that over his break he was able to catch a big spider, bake it and eat it. I have no words for that one....

Never have I ever ... been offered to eat chicken and cow intestine until I moved here. For the record I did not eat it. It was in a situation where I could opt out and yes, I definitely did.

And that my friends, is my weird Myanmar Never Have I Ever list! I hope you enjoyed it! 


Today I am linking up with Kiki and Amanda for The Circle Linkup! If you are a blogger this is a great community for you to join in on!


  1. We get offered intestines a lot. It's not a big deal at all to Angel, because apparently intenstines are also a part of traditional Mexican fare and he grew up eating them. I, on the other hand, usually call myself a "vegetarian" to explain why I may not eat certain things. The Spider story is kind of awesome. My Dad ate spider when he was in Camodia or Thailand a few years back.

  2. Ok, I can't believe you went your whole life without being pooped on by a bird before moving to Myanmar. I agree that THREE times since you've moved there is a bit ridiculous, but I guess you had to make up for lost time. This is a fun list!

  3. I have been pooped on by a bird before, and it was disgusting (it landed in my hair {shudder}).

  4. Haha love this idea! It would be amazing to live near a fresh fruit market. And having all the lights go out in the grocery store, that would definitely make me pause my shopping and wonder what is going on!

  5. Woah those are some crazy things! They also sound like great memories too.

  6. That bus one is making me laugh just picturing it. Also, the spider?! oh gosh. Would you rather eat spider or dog? ;)

  7. omg these are all crazy!!! The spider (ewww)!! The cash thing is crazy!!! Jealous of the fruit!!! What a fun post!

  8. I draw the line at bugs on the list of things I will not eat. That is so odd about the money...what are they doing with it will it needs to be in pristine condition! I would love to be that close to a fruit market!

  9. What an adventure!!! The fruit market sounds great, the dark grocery store sounds way weird, and the 2nd grader cooking and eating a spider sounds horrid! lol! I can't even imagine the bus system! I'd be terrified to get on, not to mention off! :)

  10. Hey, how could you turn down cow intestine? [insert crying/laughing emoji here] This sounds like a crazy (but super fun!) adventure!

  11. Oh my gosh I can't believe you were pooped on THREE times! That's terrible! :( I can't believe the grocery store either- that's crazy! Can you imagine the coniption fit that Americans would have if that happened? Also, I can't believe that they don't take your American money if it isn't perfect. Glad you have a good one that has taken everything, that would be difficult if you had to search all over! And I love that a smile can communicate across cultures- such a good reminder! The buses in Guatemala had the same thing- people yelling over and over as they stood on the step (such a culture shock). P.S.- I love your picture at the top! :)

  12. I'm not surprised they eat intestines in China too. I guess it is more normal in other countries than in America. I can't even get past of how in looks. Ew to your Dad eating spiders. I really am scared of spiders so I don't think I could do that.

  13. I thought getting poopedmon was a rare thing but I guess not :)

  14. Ew! Ew to getting pooped on in your hair. What did you do?

  15. Yeah the light thing is weird but I'm getting more used to it the longer I'm here. I just went shopping and the lights stayed on the whole time so that's good.

  16. They are crazy and yes, in a few years they will be good memories.

  17. Bring out the dog meat! At least it would be flesh / meat and not intestimes where poop went through.

  18. They are crazy and it definitely has taken so,e time adjusting to it. Did you get to go to markets in SA?

  19. I have no idea what they do with the money. I don't think it is anything bad I think that it is just a wives tale they believe about the money being in perfect condition. I don't eat bugs either. Hey also sell grasshoppers here which is disgusting.

  20. I haven't got on the buses yet. We walk or take a taxi. I woukdnt even know which bus to get on. :)

  21. Yeah, it was a weird situation. I made my husband get a big bowl of it. :)

  22. I don't blame you!!!

    ~ Victoria


  23. I don't remember...it was when I was in 7th grade, a mere 25 years ago. I was at the National Zoo in DC with my family. I'm sure my mom had tissues or something. I do remember being disgusted. :)

  24. I love that you personalized this post for living in Myanmar--I love hearing about your experiences there! For example, I am kind of sort of jealous of your access to fresh tropical fruits. It sounds DELICIOUS right now. But I am so sad to hear about the bird pooping incidents! I hope it doesn't happen again ever!

    Thanks for linking up!

  25. This is fun! :) I love (and am kinda jealous) of all of your fresh fruit pictures - it looks AMAZING!!

  26. Girl, America would shut down if 1/4 of what happened here happened over there. I've thought the same thing before!

    I think the money thing is so weird. I really think it's a wives tale and they all have bought into it. I plan on changing all my twenty dollar bills to brand spanking new hundred dollar bills when we go to Thailand!

    Guatemala! I'm kind of relieved to know Myanmar isn't the only place int he world that does that but I still feel bad for all those people. It's just nuts.

  27. Thanks, Kiki!

    The fruit is fun here but I will say that navigating through the market isn't always as fun. The darn birds here are just crazy but I haven't got pooped on again =)

  28. Thanks, Melody! Don't worry - if you saw the market we have to go through to get these you wouldn't be too jealous. Plus, you have Whole Foods which is epic! Hope you and the family (and baby #2) are doing wonderful!

  29. This is a really cute way to complete the prompt! Fun stories! I was pooped on by a bird in college... right on my head while walking to class.

  30. I ate the intestine for you:) and don't you need to update this since you have been pooped on 4 times now.

  31. I'm sorry I missed this comment!

    That is gross that you got pooped on your head. Did you go to class or go home and wash your hair?

    Since I wrote this post I have now been pooped on 2 more times with the last one right on my head too. It was gross and I washed my hair right away.

  32. Yes! I sure do. and I have that post written it just isn't published, yet.=)

  33. I think I put my hair in a ponytail and went on to class praying no one would be able to see the bird doo. Silly birds.
