
High Tea

Sometimes in life you get to go on an outing that will be a treasured memory for years to come. High Tea was one of those special moments and I honestly can't believe I went to High Tea in Yangon! 

If you would of told me that when I moved to Yangon my good friend Pam would take me to High Tea I don't know if I would have believed you. BUT a fancy high tea place exists here and we went! I'm sure we have the British to thank for introducing this concept here so ... thanks Britain! 

First off, when we arrived at Pam's so we could carpool, I saw Kyron all dressed up for her high tea! I mean how cute is she? This little girl is precious.

Upon arrival we ordered our mass amount of pastries, tea and coffee. It was sooo good! I should also remind you that there is no Panera here, or anything resembling Panera, so finding a place that serves made from scratch pastries calls for an 'all you can eat' pastry event. 

Here we are properly drinking tea and coffee with our pinky in the air. 

The boys did not put their pinky fingers in the air but they did enjoy their coffees, smoothies and pastries. 

 In fact, Zak really enjoyed the pastries! I don't think I've ever seen a kid so excited by pastries.

But then High Tea also has a little pond with a fountain and you see, Zak stuck his fingers in the water and discovered that there are fish that nibble on your fingers. And then there was a little girl in a fancy dress that couldn't resist following in her brother's footsteps or the pond either so she gobbled down her pastries and out she went too. Pam and I had a delightful time watching them through the glass door! 

And here is my dear friend Pam! I'm so thankful for her and for her friendship. We both decided that we need to do more fun things around Yangon before Dave and I have to leave, because time does fly! Also it is just nice to be around a friend who loves the Lord and enjoys having a fun time. Her and I also decided that God has a good sense of humor in pairing us to work together because I have a bad ear and she has a bad eye, so she listens for me and I see things for her. ;)

And like I always say about all the fun sights in Yangon .... if you come visit I'll take you!
Has anyone else ever been to a British high tea? If so, what was your experience like?


  1. i have never been to a high tea but have always wanted to go! that looks delicious & super fun! :) and yes, i've never seen a kid so excited about pastries before either! haha i mean, he is super excited looking!

  2. Aw this looks fun! Those coffees look delicious as well! YUM!

  3. how cute and sweet is this? You look adorable! I love it!

  4. Kyro is so cute! I'm super thankful her and Zak are here because they are like adopted nieces and nephews.

    It is funny about our ear and eye! Well, it is funny most of the time!

  5. I hope you go someday. I'm sure you would like it. Zak was crazy about those pastries. He even kept trying to order more and more and we just kept telling him that we already had enough. I can't blame him though!

  6. Thanks, friend! It really was fun and good coffee here is a rarity here! I got so spoiled in Korea so when I find a good place here it is extra special.

  7. Oh how neat! What a cute little place to discover and enjoy! YUM those pastries!!!

  8. It was a fun place to discover! I will back for lots of pastries =)

    PS - What pastries do they have in Peru?
