
Valentine's Day 2015

Valentine's Day! I hope you all had a great day celebrating love! It doesn't have to be romantic love either. It's a day to celebrate God's love, that His mercies are new every morning and to celebrate the many relationships he has poured into our lives. I love everything about this holiday and had a great time celebrating.

Dave and I had a great time celebrating Valentine's Day and we got to celebrate with lots of people doing some really neat things.

The first memorable Valentine thing was at school where we had secret sisters. We bought a little gift for our secret sisters each day and it was so fun! The level of excitement each day when I found a little gift was like a little child. I just love gifts! My secret sister bought me nail polish, some pink daisies, a chopstick for my hair and a few other cute things. 

The person I bought for loved bananas so I got her a banana pen (yep, they have those here), some banana cookies and I got her some stationary. I also found these super duper tiny mini envelopes that would open up so you could write a small note. I put a verse on those cards and it was fun to give her one each day. 

Friday the secret sisters were invited to my apartment for the big reveal! Well, only three out of nine girls showed but it was ok. I had a really wonderful time visiting with the three ladies that did come and it was nice to just visit and talk with them one on one. One of the teachers asked me what my favorite part of Myanmar is and it really made me think. After much thought I'd have to say the people, the fruit and the flowers but really it's the people. The people here are kind and resilient and I especially am thankful for the teachers here who give so much to share the gospel with the kids here. 

Another fun thing I got to do this week was to go to high tea with Pam, Kyron, Dave and Zak! Kyron got super dressed up and we went and had some fancy pastries, tea and coffee. Fancy delicious pastries are a super rare thing here so we may have gone a bit wild and purchased around 7 - 8 pastries to share amongst ourselves and then we purchased more to take home with us. I'll be sharing more about high tea soon. 

I got to Skype with my family on Valentine's Day! Have I mentioned I'm thankful for Skype? My family is all together in Idaho for my Dad and nephew's birthday. My Dad turned 60 and my nephew turned 2 on Valentine's Day. I feel sad that I'm not there but I also am thankful to be here, rightwhere God wants me. 

My favorite part about Valentine's Day was spending it with Dave. This is our first time to actually spend Valentine's Day together. Dave slept in while I Skyped and then we had a massive breakfast that involved bacon (If you don't know I have a slight love for bacon and our friends recently found bacon here which is just epic)! Dave and I spent most of the day at home and then we walked to a coffeehouse where we ate dinner, drank lattes and are now using their free wifi (also a rare thing in Myanmar). 

I also have to share that I think these daisies are so pretty! I really can't get over the flowers around here and I'm thankful that they are here for us to enjoy. This big bunch was a whopping $3!

Tell me about your Valentine's Day? What did you do? What was your favorite part?


  1. Pretty flowers! I love these pictures. Glad you were able to spend Valentine's Day with Dave! And yay for Skype and being able to see family from far away.

  2. Those flowers are just beautiful!!! I love looking at the pictures of them! Your Valentine's day sounds so fun- I loved hearing about all the little presents you got and gave. They should do something like that here I think. Yayyyy for Skype! I know a couple other missionary friends and they, like you, are really thankful for Skype. I'm happy you got to connect to home a little bit :) I was working Valentine's day so not my favorite but I had a light up heart necklace that my patients loved so that made the day fun :)

  3. secret sisters & high tea? sounds like so much fun!! :) and those flowers are SO gorgeous!

  4. Thanks! I love the pictures too and I have decided that flowers and nature are my favorite things to photograph. It's so fun! Do you Skype with your family a lot? I know you said you talk to you Mom a lot but I didn't know if that was just via phone or Skype too.

  5. Booo for working on Valentine's Day but the necklace sounds really fun! I think all missionaries are thankful for Skype! It's a lifesaver. My parents lived in Brazil and just a phone call was around $8 a minute! I can not even imagine what that would be like.

    The flowers really are super pretty here. I wish I could bring some back for everyone at home.

  6. It was a lot of fun! I'm glad we got to do fun things here to build relationships with others. It was a really special weekend.

  7. We don't skype at all. We just talk on the phone. You and I should Skype some time!

    *Amanda* | The Lady Okie Blog

  8. We should Skype!!! I'm in Thailand until mid April. I'll email and we can pick a time.

  9. $8 a minute?! I can't imagine that either, that sounds awful! And you can just keep posting pictures of the flowers, that will have to do :)
