
Easy & Quick DIY Coffee Sleeve

Today I'm going to share with you a super cute and by far one of the cheapest DIY projects I've ever done. If there is one thing I love in life it is coffee! I've been drinking it since I was, well ... probably 4 or 5 years old. That's what happens when you grow up in Brazil. Coffee is great at all times but doesn't a cute little coffee sleeve just make it a bit more enjoyable? I think so! I made these for my friends for Valentine's Day and I'm hoping they will enjoy them too. 

Easy & Quick DIY Coffee Sleeve

* 2 pieces of felt
* 1 coffee sleeve or you can print one
* Needle and thread
* scissors

Step 1 - Trace the coffee sleeve onto your felt pieces and cut them out

Step 2 - Cut out a heart

Step 3 - Stack your felt pieces on top of each other leaving a little layer. I used two pieces of felt because it felt more sturdy but you can use one. I also like the contrasting colors. 

Step 4 - Place your heart on the felt and sew it on. Be sure to start from the back of the felt pieces. 

Step 5 - The Starbucks sleeve has a little 'extra' length so they can glue it together. We are sewing and don't need that extra bit of felt. You will want to cut about 1/4" to 1/2" off of each piece of felt. It isn't too crucial the exact a amount. After that you will line the felt up in the back and whip stitch it together. The whip stitch is really easy. You can watch a quick tutorial on it here

My whip stitch doesn't look super beautiful here but you can adjust it where the lines are more even. (I'm a bit OCD like that...)

Here is the finished product along with some other ones I have made. If you don't want to make a Valentine Day one there are plenty of other options. I bought some felt flowers that were on clearance and used those as well. 

Do you like coffee sleeves? Would you make something like this? What quick and easy DIY projects do you do? 


  1. this is so awesome! what would you say the estimated time is to make one?

  2. ahh thanks for sharing this!!! i loved the ones you made so much & am excited to try this myself! you're right, it looks easy!! :)

  3. This is adorable and seems really easy, to bad I don't have anyone to send them too.

  4. Thanks, Nicole! I probably should have put an exact time in the post. Once you have your supplies I'd say it takes about 10 minutes. =)

  5. You are welcome! I was going to send you the original tutorial I used but I ended up making my own version of it so that's why I shared it. Send me a pic of you make one =) I think it would be fun to make matching ones either for a couple or good friends. I'll have to try that one out sometime.

  6. Thanks, Cody! You can make one for yourself =) I often make things and give them all away but I tucked one away for me.

  7. Your welcome. I guess I could, I just don't drink coffee. I love it but my tummy can't handle it.

  8. This is so cute and simple! I love it!

  9. That's really cute, Beka! I would totally make something like this.

  10. Yeah my tummy is really really sensitive.

  11. these are so cute! if I could find felt here, I would totally make my own and bring it to the 'bux with me instead of using up more paper.

  12. How stinkin' adorable! And even. I could do this craft. I love it! Thanks for the tutorial. You lay it out perfectly :)

  13. Awww, love the simplicity of this. I just found your site via TreasureTromp and love it! :)

  14. Aww, that is really cute, and seems like a craft even I could handle! :)

    -Rachel @ With Love, Rachel

  15. Thanks, Jenna! =) I love that it is simple too. Sometimes I overwhelm myself by tackling too big of projects.

  16. Thanks! You'd have to make it for hot chocolate / tea because you aren't a coffee lover. =)

  17. I'm surprised they don't have felt there. In Korea I found a craft store. They had a ton of stuff and one of them was felt. They even had sticky felt. Do you craft at all in Taiwan or is it too hard to find supplies?

  18. If you make it send me a pic =) I'd love to see it. Thanks for stopping by and reading my DIY.

  19. Thanks so much! I love that I have found so many fun blogs through Treasure Tromp's Treat yo self! I'll be sure to visit your blog too.

  20. Thanks, Rachel! You should make one, it's fun. I'd love to see a picture.

  21. there's a few hole-in-the-wall places but nothing anywhere near a Michael's or JoAnn's. most stationary stores will have a small section of things... I have to get extra creative with my crafts sometimes! I bet one of the stores I know has felt, I just haven't found it yet :)
