
1 Year

Has it really been one year since that snowy spring day when Dave and I said 'I do'? 

I don't know how to measure a year of marriage but I can tell you it has been good - God has been good to us. He had a plan for Dave and I to be married long before we ever wanted anything to do with each other. 

This past year Dave and I have traveled over 25,000 miles in our cars. We have spent weekends at home in Wichita, weekends exploring Oklahoma and weekends traveling to New Mexico, Colorado or Oklahoma City.  

This past year I've seen God's love exemplified through Dave. We started out marriage as a team but faced some hard things. Dave's Mom passed away a few weeks before our wedding, I went through 4-5 major life changes at once and a big spout of depression came my way on our honeymoon. Through that, I've been blessed to love Dave and have him love me. Times were tough but God was bigger than any of that and brought us through. 

This past year we have spent lots of calm and quiet evenings in Woodward. Honestly, evenings at home have been some of the best times spent together. We don't have a lot of distractions, we can eat dinner together, play games, read, pray and watch documentaries or movies. Sometimes we do have disagreements but it usually doesn't last too long. Overall I think small town life has allowed us to slow down and it's been peaceful, good and has given us both time to be still. 

I can't say our marriage is a doing of our own. It's possible because God brought us together and He is ever faithful. I'm thankful for the salvation He has given us, for the ability to love and for the ability to walk side by side in this big adventure called life. 


  1. Congrats on your anniversary! That is a beautiful picture of you two playing in the snow. Hope this second year brings great things for you guys.

  2. Happy 1 year!! Is that a photo from your wedding day?? That's so cool!

  3. happy first year!!! :) LOVE that picture!! so much travel - so many memories!! :) i love what you said about God being bigger than any of the hard times that come our way! that has been evidenced to me during my first year too - we had a few rough things hit us!

  4. Happy Anniversary!!!! Is that the dress you wore on your wedding day - either way, it's awesome!

  5. happy happy anniversary dear!!! i'm so happy for you two : )

  6. Is that your wedding dress? It's so beautiful and unique! Congratulations on year one, and thanks for being honest about the fact that it isn't always easy. Your faith is inspiring. :)

  7. Love this post and the honesty of it! Happy anniversary and good luck with the years to come!

  8. Happy 1 year Beka and Dave!

  9. Happy one year! Marriage is one of the biggest blessings from God. I hope you're having an incredible time on your vacation. GOD is so good.

  10. Thanks, Kaleene! That snow was super duper cold and was for pictures only =) However, they are some of my favorite pictures.

  11. Thanks! Yes, this is from our wedding day. We had a small wedding at my mother-in-law's house and then took pictures in the back yard.

  12. I'm glad God has shown himself strong for you and your husband too! =)

  13. Thanks, Ashley! Yes, that's the dress I wore on my wedding day. It's actually a prom dress from David's Bridal but we had two wedding so I figured for the first one I could pick a 'non-white' dress.
